What I did, for a long while until I sussed out the problem with the over-run stat, was to simply turn the stat in the hall down over night. It had been like it for a long time before Wifey and I got together, in the house she and her ex had owned. A few heating engineers had tried to solve it but not done so.
Which is weird as I know zip about CH. But I somehow managed to find it and swap it. Problem solved for a while. It goes every now and then as does the thermo couple, so I keep spares and can now fix it quickly.
But a sluggish pump is another matter.
est of luck getting it swapped out.
Any ideas why it has gone fubar? I thort you had been very thorough with keeping your CH fluid clean and full of protection stuff.
Like me it's knocking on a bit. This same pump has worked flawlessly for 31 years so it is time for a new one. :)
Yes, the boiler is running at a reduced temp, but the pump is now so slow and "knocking" it isn't getting the flow to pull the heat out of the boiler fast enough.
I will see if I can put the new pump on tomorrow. It will get us through tonight (10:30 stop) and tomorrow morning (07:30 start). :)

I fink they is all A rated pumps these days, they don't gots a switch any more.
The Grundfos ones we flog has different settings for constant flow, constant delta p an wot not dependin on duty.
Alfred Hitchcock, director of Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, North by North West, etc etc etc .
Many peeps fave director, mine included.
This pic from "the Birds" which many peeps find more scary for some weird reason than chainsaw massacre etc etc.

My ex MIL was freaked out by birds. Even spuggies an pigwings..
Her bein a Kiwi prolly had nuffink to do wif it.. o_O
Alfred Hitchcock, director of Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, North by North West, etc etc etc .
Many peeps fave director, mine included.
This pic from "the Birds" which many peeps find more scary for some weird reason than chainsaw massacre etc etc.

Oh aye... I remember the film now, my mum was freaked out by it. Im not a fan of horror films tbh.
Love it when some pro fuck loses me after the first few words.
"Constant delta P" Wot the feck is that? a new variant of Covid?:D:D:D

Is the pressure differential across the system, delta bein the lazy way to say D, like in maffs :) The flow required to rads varies coz they has their own therm controlled valves (these days) whereas unner floor heating wants constant flow to maintain the delta t.. Consistent temperature drop across the zones as they usually have a designated tee em vee.

Least that what the nipper at work says :confused:
Oh aye... I remember the film now, my mum was freaked out by it. Im not a fan of horror films tbh.
I don't go for either the ridiculous Hammer Horror stuff or the "chop em up, blow em up, shed loads of blood" sh!t.
but Hitch is much more fun, some of it is actually quite a laugh. always clever, always got an interesting plot, and very little or no blood. much more psychological thrillers. Give em a go. i bet you'll like em!;):)
Is the pressure differential across the system, delta bein the lazy way to say D, like in maffs :) The flow required to rads varies coz they has their own therm controlled valves (these days) whereas unner floor heating wants constant flow to maintain the delta t.. Consistent temperature drop across the zones as they usually have a designated tee em vee.

Least that what the nipper at work says :confused:

Yer thats wot we thought. o_O:confused:;):D
Is the pressure differential across the system, delta bein the lazy way to say D, like in maffs :) The flow required to rads varies coz they has their own therm controlled valves (these days) whereas unner floor heating wants constant flow to maintain the delta t.. Consistent temperature drop across the zones as they usually have a designated tee em vee.

Least that what the nipper at work says :confused:
Still lost me!
D in Maffs? no idea! (I got an E in Maffs A level!)
We only has one controlled valve and it is always open to the max. I simply turn the valves off in the rooms we don't use.
Dottir and her bloke are doing their old thatched place up, concreting the floors and installing under-floor heating. I'll have to ask them if their pump will maintain the TMV and see what they say!:D:D:D

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