Still lost me!
D in Maffs? no idea! (I got an E in Maffs A level!)
We only has one controlled valve and it is always open to the max. I simply turn the valves off in the rooms we don't use.
Dottir and her bloke are doing their old thatched place up, concreting the floors and installing under-floor heating. I'll have to ask them if their pump will maintain the TMV and see what they say!:D:D:D

We does trade pump packs that include a thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) which then flows to the ufh manifold. They needs to makes sure the kvs (flow capacity) is up to the duty, number of zones, or square meterage.
PM me for a works email if they want, we'll recommend an installer.
We does trade pump packs that include a thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) which then flows to the ufh manifold. They needs to makes sure the kvs (flow capacity) is up to the duty, number of zones, or square meterage.
PM me for a works email if they want, we'll recommend an installer.
You lost me on the first sentence! Or did you mean AN AD?!
You know we are near you, they are near you too, just the eastern side of Burgate off the Salisbury road, so they may well need an installer. I'll bear this in mind and have a word with them when the time is right. thanks mate!:):):)
Sooo, the stock take that was sposed to finish early afternoon ended up wif us bein asked to wuk late to finish it. Would had been a midnighter an I had other duties so declined. I has been there ten years, twas always thus. Did anybody ask me...? No.

Anyway common sense prevailed an the auditor has been asked to bugger off till Monday. We'll finish it tomorrow.

So I'll get some kip then. Night pips.
You lost me on the first sentence! Or did you mean AN AD?!
You know we are near you, they are near you too, just the eastern side of Burgate off the Salisbury road, so they may well need an installer. I'll bear this in mind and have a word with them when the time is right. thanks mate!:):):)

Unless you can tell me what a Nad is? Or a Nadder.. Just my bit of fun.
You'd love Sea Dog, he could batter a dictionary into submission :) Hope he's gettin betterer..
It isn't raining nor wet but it is too dark to detect any other weather features :) but I am 'appy.
My to-do list is so long I just don't know where to begin - it is a good job it is only me to worry about it when it all doesn't get done.
It is Friday so that is a good reason for all you poor workers to be feeling very 'appy today and I hope you all enjoy it.:):)
Morning All :D
Herself's doing the morning shoppin/paper-getting and posting stuff for her Ma. :)
I am having a coffee and contemplating how awful it is going to be lying on my stomach arms outstretched undoing pump-nuts and avoiding a flood.
I think there's isolating valves either side of the pump but in my experience they never ever work properly when new, let alone after 31 years :(
Hey-ho. I will also need to let the system cool down (nothing worse than trying to hold a hot pump).
Have a good day, I shall report on my success/failure later. :)

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