A quick glance into the morning gloom tells me that it might not be raining. :)
I have a friend coming today - not for the social call BUT she needs to have use of a sewing machine :rolleyes: - she has just discovered that hers has seized up (she left it packed up in a shed after a house move couple of years ago) - sounds familiar!!
Have a good day, folks.:)
Grey damp and very still this morning and that's just me :D

Off to the shed in a bit to press new bearing into my hub, shed is 7 miles away and it's either through town or around the motorway, only about a mile difference but the motorway is a lottery, sometimes busy but moving and sometimes busy and not moving...

Through town I think and chance the traffic :)

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A quick glance into the morning gloom tells me that it might not be raining. :)
I have a friend coming today - not for the social call BUT she needs to have use of a sewing machine :rolleyes: - she has just discovered that hers has seized up (she left it packed up in a shed after a house move couple of years ago) - sounds familiar!!
Have a good day, folks.:)
Any news on your OL, DD?:)
Dull as ditchwater here today.
Bin out to Tiegla tiles who again came up trumps, instead of flogging me colouring stuff for my white grout, they flogged me an open but nearly full bag of coloured grey grout. (£2)!:):):)
AND I wouldn't have to faff about doing test strips to see how much colorant to add etc.;)
Cleaning up our gaff today as we have guests over for high tea tomoz.
(Don't normally do this, will be different!)
Enjoy the rest of your day, folks:):):)

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