Wind and rain here, temps fluctuating between damned cold to bloody hell it's gone hot ... ;)
Cold wet and windy ere. Me doors int fallen oft and the roof int leaking. Eater, eated seats and eated steering wheel all work ok so I'll be alright to get home. :p :D
Very wet, very windy but not cold. A40 blocked with floods in a few places.
We're snug and safe but the dogs aren't 'appy as they want to off for their usually doggy playtime by the river.
Cold wet and windy ere. Me doors int fallen oft and the roof int leaking. Eater, eated seats and eated steering wheel all work ok so I'll be alright to get home. :p :D
Jeez, Hippo you really are roughing it, mate? You sure you OK for the coming winter and them nasty low temps; I mean, WTF if your heated thingy pops a fuse?
Stay safe.
Mornin. What's goin on wiv the wevver? Was like.a Summers day ere yesdi, an too ot t" sleep an is now rainin an is still too or t' sleep. .Gotta go up t' Smoke t'moro, not lookln forward...
Mornin. What's goin on wiv the wevver? Was like.a Summers day ere yesdi, an too ot t" sleep an is now rainin an is still too or t' sleep. .Gotta go up t' Smoke t'moro, not lookln forward...
Mornin. Rennin yet agin doan yer. Hippo getting around fine, a few big puddles about. Tratterers best take lifejackets & a thermos, make sure yer mobeel is charged up.
Dun't forget yer arm bands tratterers. Put some on yer wing mirrors anorl in case yer doors fall oft. Bright orange so we can find them further down river when its dry.
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