Has there been any member demise, marriage or otherwise since I last visited?

My old landy has finally got into his new house but no internet means he is out of communication until 29th (?) and it was your marriage that was the only other speculation - we were all planning the big party! Other than that, everything has carried on as normal - as normal as LZ ever is normal
It is just a little bit "petty". I have bent over backwards to accommodate every little wish. It will be costing me c. £1800 and her not a penny. The boundary fence is MINE to own and maintain (it is in my deeds).
I may have to ask her to stop nailing HER little Solar-powered LED lights to MY fence if she carries on like this. ;)
I would!
You are exemplifying the saying, "Good fences make good neighbours".
You really are a very nice chap aint ya. ;):):)
Only trying to gently point out, indirectly, via you to ya ma, that she should follow all docs instructions and take it easy if all is to work OK, in the end.
Sincerely do hope it all works out.
Also my S-i-l had his done shockingly badly and it has stopped him working in his chosen but rather physical career. And he is only in his 50s. He is getting compo but nothing can compensate for surgery gone atrociously wrong. Thankfully what happened to him is extremely rare and i'm sure your mum's op will go fine.:):):)
Todays happenings...... working till lunch time wee bit of slating on the balcony sides.....
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Then I had to move my trailers in the yard ended up selling one of my BOATS :)
Dropped my fone & cracked the screen :(
Got offered a very nice D2 with 85k on it for 3k if anyone is looking. :)
Oh dear, shame about the tellingbone.
Were those railings on the balcony fing original?
We've been looking for summat similar and they cost a feckin fortune both here and in Frogland.
It's not raining and there is a very, very bright moon illuminating the scene, but it is certainly a much colder day dawning.
We did have quite a strong breeze yesterday but nothing out of the ordinary at this time of the year.
I hope you all have a good day and are not too much hampered by the weather. :)
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Guid morn
Looks like a nice dry sunny day if a wee bit cool
Just back from a brisk walk having dropped the Defender off for its MOT
Has only done just over 500 miles since last one so hopefully should pass (rusty brake lines a possible advisory)
Got my final Job Seekers call, well actually its in the job centre this time, at mid day so can give them the good news
that Im starting a new job on Monday and saving the Government £74 a week n contributing Tax and NI contributions.
So a win win.
Gym later to work on my 6 pack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guid afternoon
Garage just called MOT passed, however
They did say the indicators could have been a potential fail but they covered the clear lens with transparent amber tape, good lads
I have ordered replacements, 2 x £16:99, also adjusted headlights and as usual replaced wipers.
Tester said there was play in the steering wheel, a potential fail, but I explained it was an Optimoor removable wheel so that was accepted.
Did not mention rusty brake lines so the Lanoguard I sprayed on the underside in the summer has done its job
Happy days

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