Well today has been spent playing with my cool box.
As to replace it would cost £120, I am determined to fix it. I am on a real learning curve.:rolleyes: (You all know, electronix is not my thing!:(:(:(:()
I now know what a Peltier thingy is.
I have looked over the PCB which is where the fault lies as the power is getting to it, just not through it. (Power to it was a bit of an issue, the usual plug-into-the-cigar-socket plug was a bit dodgy and needed work. But the fuse hadn't blown.)
I think I could just cut through the wires to the fan and the Peltier unit, connect the power directly to them and it would work. That is nearly the next thing on my plan except I want to be sure I won't just simply burn something out. It is a 35 litre box and rated at 46 watts when cooling.
The problem on the PCB was the switches, as far as I could see. The batt saver one was a mass of rust, (Stoopid thing, never needed it, never moved it, it just sat there on "off".) and the other one "cool - off - warm" again never got moved as all we ever want it to do is cool stuff. But it was corroded and never going to give a decent connection. Mystery how the corrosion ever happened cos it is only used 4 times a year and otherwise stored in a dry house, on in the loft in the UK.:rolleyes:
Dunno if I am up for trying to replace the PCB with anything. Or even why I might need to do this.
Anyway, all good fun!
And it's been sunny here most of the time.
Have a nice rest of the day folks!:):):)
Well today has been spent playing with my cool box.
As to replace it would cost £120, I am determined to fix it. I am on a real learning curve.:rolleyes: (You all know, electronix is not my thing!:(:(:(:()
I now know what a Peltier thingy is.
I have looked over the PCB which is where the fault lies as the power is getting to it, just not through it. (Power to it was a bit of an issue, the usual plug-into-the-cigar-socket plug was a bit dodgy and needed work. But the fuse hadn't blown.)
I think I could just cut through the wires to the fan and the Peltier unit, connect the power directly to them and it would work. That is nearly the next thing on my plan except I want to be sure I won't just simply burn something out. It is a 35 litre box and rated at 46 watts when cooling.
The problem on the PCB was the switches, as far as I could see. The batt saver one was a mass of rust, (Stoopid thing, never needed it, never moved it, it just sat there on "off".) and the other one "cool - off - warm" again never got moved as all we ever want it to do is cool stuff. But it was corroded and never going to give a decent connection. Mystery how the corrosion ever happened cos it is only used 4 times a year and otherwise stored in a dry house, on in the loft in the UK.:rolleyes:
Dunno if I am up for trying to replace the PCB with anything. Or even why I might need to do this.
Anyway, all good fun!
And it's been sunny here most of the time.
Have a nice rest of the day folks!:):):)
At this juncture, you have nothing to lose really. Go for it. :)
Oh dear, shame about the tellingbone.
Were those railings on the balcony fing original?
We've been looking for summat similar and they cost a feckin fortune both here and in Frogland.

They were made by a local blacksmith previously & yup they were a fortune.
You can buy all the swirls & bends ect & weld them all up yourself (if you can weld)??
Then get them powder coated or galvanized. :)
Evening all I spent most of the morning driving the manitou up & down the main road
everyone was well happy that I was holding them up :D
Site all cleared & then I went to the house to turn my trailer upside down with the machine
neebs were out looking probably thinking wtf is he up to now. :rolleyes::D
My trailer needs a bit of tlc as I managed to rip the front axle off ooopps :oops:
Me freezer is about 2 months old and it's started tripping the power. Came home ter castle hippo and the power was oft int kitchen. Reset the trip and it happened again later so eye powered me fridge oft the dining room and took the covers oft me freezer to look fer somefink bad but it all looks ok. Am wondering if eye can gerra nuvva one ont warranty or if they will fix it.
Me freezer is about 2 months old and it's started tripping the power. Came home ter castle hippo and the power was oft int kitchen. Reset the trip and it happened again later so eye powered me fridge oft the dining room and took the covers oft me freezer to look fer somefink bad but it all looks ok. Am wondering if eye can gerra nuvva one ont warranty or if they will fix it.
You haven't let Stanley loose on it have you? :D
Nice.. id like to see some of his work. :cool:
Here's one, including a staircase.

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