Sun is actooly shining!
Has been either grey, raining or both the past three days. Got to the point of thinking "Hey Noah, only another 37 days to go!"
Got woked up by the doggies at 3 ack emma then couldn't get back to sleep. Strange tum ache for some reason.
but have got up and done a bit of stuff.
Busy learning about the Peltier effect. Discovered in 1934 and I'd never heard about it at all!:rolleyes:
But I fink it's how my cool box works. ;)
Looks like i am going to have to do some solderin, to a fing on a PCB.
Hate that. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Hoped I could just find wires to the fan and the coolin fing and connect the plug directly to them. Oh No! That would be too feckin easy.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Think I'll use a paper clip to make the connection I don't want to solder then see which wires have current in them to the cooling fing and the fan, Then what volts is across them. If it's 12 v then I'll just cut em and connect em direct as above. (No, it'll never be as easy as that.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:).
The PCB must be there cos it's got "cool", "on", "Off" "warm" and "Battery protect". all we ever use is "cool".
Wish I'd gone to helectronix skool!:(:(:(:(
...That Thom and I (but mostly Thom) managed to put in 7 posts and 6 panels.
I ache, and my smart-watch says I have walked over 4 miles and burnt 500 calories.
The silly neighbour next door keeps sneaking out to watch us to check we are not "stealing her land" by changing the string that defines the agreed post-line. :confused:
Yesterday she moved the string from one side of the end post to the other. This is a difference of 4" over a length of 80 feet. :)
That's an @shimsterion pizza slice 4" wide at the wide end and 0" wide 80 feet away.

Christ, what a big land grab I would be making. :rolleyes:

...That Thom and I (but mostly Thom) managed to put in 7 posts and 6 panels.
I ache, and my smart-watch says I have walked over 4 miles and burnt 500 calories.
The silly neighbour next door keeps sneaking out to watch us to check we are not "stealing her land" by changing the string that defines the agreed post-line. :confused:
Yesterday she moved the string from one side of the end post to the other. This is a difference of 4" over a length of 80 feet. :)
That's an @shimsterion pizza slice 4" wide at the wide end and 0" wide 80 feet away.

Christ, what a big land grab I would be making. :rolleyes:

View attachment 250812
I can certainly see why you want to put a close boarded fence between you and her:) I despair.:(
I can certainly see why you want to put a close boarded fence between you and her:) I despair.:(
It is just a little bit "petty". I have bent over backwards to accommodate every little wish. It will be costing me c. £1800 and her not a penny. The boundary fence is MINE to own and maintain (it is in my deeds).
I may have to ask her to stop nailing HER little Solar-powered LED lights to MY fence if she carries on like this. ;)
It is just a little bit "petty". I have bent over backwards to accommodate every little wish. It will be costing me c. £1800 and her not a penny. The boundary fence is MINE to own and maintain (it is in my deeds).
I may have to ask her to stop nailing HER little Solar-powered LED lights to MY fence if she carries on like this. ;)

No wonder yer back is fooked if ye can bend over backwards :eek:
Glad to hear the Covid isn't hitting them too hard.
Your mum, once she's had the op, should feel a lot better, altho she may not go back to as good as new. Wifey didn't do the exercises as she should have done.:mad::mad::mad:
AND she tripped over a dog not long after it and fell slightly damaging the area, had to have another op and has not gone back to how it was even after the op.
So that's two things to watch out for!!
All the best with it!:):):)

You really are a very nice chap aint ya. ;):):)
...That Thom and I (but mostly Thom) managed to put in 7 posts and 6 panels.
I ache, and my smart-watch says I have walked over 4 miles and burnt 500 calories.
The silly neighbour next door keeps sneaking out to watch us to check we are not "stealing her land" by changing the string that defines the agreed post-line. :confused:
Yesterday she moved the string from one side of the end post to the other. This is a difference of 4" over a length of 80 feet. :)
That's an @shimsterion pizza slice 4" wide at the wide end and 0" wide 80 feet away.

Christ, what a big land grab I would be making. :rolleyes:

View attachment 250812

You got a wee tee pee in the garden...

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