That happened in Pembrokeshire a few years ago. The Land Rover dealer 'stored' all his incoming NEW stock in a field behind his premises and one morning came into work to find some of his vehicles had had their panels smashed in - the cops moved in to make arrests ..... only to discover the culprit(s) were the rams who lived in the field had been fighting off their own reflections!! The owner was not amused.
They must have been freelanders. No self respecting fender would have been shiny enough to reflect anything. :D
Tis overcast this mornin an will stay that way I fink.
Bit sore after crawling around inner me beloved Tratter yesdi.
Must say I'm impressed wif the lanoguard stuff, doddle to use an goes a long way.
Reckon there's enuff left to do the back end of me hairdryer too, a job for next weekend. I has summink else to do today.

Have a lovely satdi folks
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So, today's job is fixing up a push I was given (Sorry @kevstar but the donor lost your phone number). Not much up with it the but the pedals are shot an the crank bearing had lost all its balls.
I got what I could out of the bottom bracket an went to the not so local bike shop, cos they're small an could use the income (I thought). Asked if he could match it.
'Ain't got one of them mate, an to properly ID it I'll need both the shells too, an I prolly won't get it till the new year..' Was disappointed.
So I went to Halfrauds instead, is a Boardman bike so they might help..
Nipper in there was most helpful but couldn't find it on his pooter, said his techy would be able to help but was on his break. I nipped off to Aldi an when I returned they had not only identified the part, but they had it in stock, was only sixteen squids an would I like some grease to go wivvit sir?
Halfrauds 1 : LBS 0
I has also licked many posts, that I don't acherly lick. We needs a nalternative.
@DanClarke .
@My Old Landy
@Stanleysteamer .
Never met any of you. But you is alright by me an I wishes you an yours the very best.
Same goes to the good an kind peeps on this ere fred.

'You has to understand we is here but for a blink of an eye.
Is a miracle we is here it all'

Yes, I has had a glass or two.
So shoot me :p
Thanks for your kind words and deep philosophical thoughts. We are all comrades cut from similar cloth, born to endure!
Overcast but dry, best described as unexciting weather. I'll try to get more plant taming done today before they take over and I will stuck in for life. :( My garden 'benefits from the fertilizer used by the farmer on the field behind me - it washes down the slope and makes everything grow as if there is no tomorrow.
Have a great weekend folks and I hope you all get done whatever you want to do.:)
So, today's job is fixing up a push I was given (Sorry @kevstar but the donor lost your phone number). Not much up with it the but the pedals are shot an the crank bearing had lost all its balls.
I got what I could out of the bottom bracket an went to the not so local bike shop, cos they're small an could use the income (I thought). Asked if he could match it.
'Ain't got one of them mate, an to properly ID it I'll need both the shells too, an I prolly won't get it till the new year..' Was disappointed.
So I went to Halfrauds instead, is a Boardman bike so they might help..
Nipper in there was most helpful but couldn't find it on his pooter, said his techy would be able to help but was on his break. I nipped off to Aldi an when I returned they had not only identified the part, but they had it in stock, was only sixteen squids an would I like some grease to go wivvit sir?
Halfrauds 1 : LBS 0

Ah thats ok matey I like to share I see my ways are rubbing off on you lot haha
You putting pics up of said project. :):)

I used to restore flying scot's had them since I was a young lad (13/14) used to pick them up for
40/50 quid now they start around 500 restored ones are 2k plus :eek:
Morning all overcast with a tad of blue poking through im wondering if I can take a chance of
getting a bit of fibre glassing done today, says chance of showers. If I dont do it, it will stay dry
& if I crack on id bet it will rain. lol

Anhoo we is getting our replacement fridge/freezer today. :):)

Have a nice quite day peeps. ;)
All hail the conquering hero :)

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