So "How many ovens you got? " Is going to be replaced with "How many fancy, fuck off huge, Merkin fridge freezers you got?"
Well I'll see your two with my two, (one in each country), plus two smaller chest freezers. Any one raise us?

(God do we do some pointless but fun stuff on this fred!!)

I will raise you a camping fridge on top of your chest freezers :D

Chaps came with the noo fridge, Polish driver & a young lad from Glasgow. Driver with window down
said where's it there front door errr nope thats not fitting in there to which I said yes it will it
needs to come out the box. Did he listen big box outside the door see it wont fit I said leave it there
I will put it in myself. I know it fits pal cause the same one is already in there & I put it in. :D
Off I go to get a stanley knife to remove the packing. Big stupid said ok then see
ya (ok pizz off I said to myself lol) packing removed & he came back to help the young lad tidy the
mess up. Then with said packing removed & over the 2" step it rolled in the front door no probs as
its ceramic tiles all the way through. :D
Waiting fer me pooter to finish copying its backup eye made this morning. Been catching up ont stuff eye int looked at on ere. Said ello ter a lot of new peeps. Finking about me tea now. Eye be finking of a tin of martoes which bread dipped int. Eye like tin martoes.

Sun came out ter day and hung around ferrabit. Me rain passed over quickly so me watta buttts int been fed propper. May have ter fill em from the tap so eye can finish ma hippo. Been looking at that sheep lanogard stuff. Looks interestin. Would stop muck stickin to ma hippo when eye goes oft road. Easier to apply then waxoyl and int as messy. Eye wonders if the paint on grease dries or not. Anyone know? Mite spray some ovvit inter me metal gates as they int coated int side and eye can see tratter surface rust.
I will raise you a camping fridge on top of your chest freezers :D

Chaps came with the noo fridge, Polish driver & a young lad from Glasgow. Driver with window down
said where's it there front door errr nope thats not fitting in there to which I said yes it will it
needs to come out the box. Did he listen big box outside the door see it wont fit I said leave it there
I will put it in myself. I know it fits pal cause the same one is already in there & I put it in. :D
Off I go to get a stanley knife to remove the packing. Big stupid said ok then see
ya (ok pizz off I said to myself lol) packing removed & he came back to help the young lad tidy the
mess up. Then with said packing removed & over the 2" step it rolled in the front door no probs as
its ceramic tiles all the way through. :D
I see your one camping fridge and raise you two others! One of which runs of either mains or the car.

When the Merkin fridge freezer was first delivered the guys doing it managed to knock the end of my wall down out side the house. they had to admit to it, a little bit of form filling in later they got on with unloading the fridge. They got it off the tail lift, took all the packaging off and went to manoeuvre it around the back of my trailer and the front of the garage. They misjudged it and it tipped over and got scratched on the corner of the garage. They looked at me, I looked at them and said "I'm not accepting that". so off it went.
Then following week they sent someone round to repair the wall.
Then they sent another truck round with a right hairy-assed looking bloke in charge. Uh-oh sez I to myself.
But he didn't knock the wall over, he got the fridge to the back door without taking the packaging off. then at the last minute took it off. We looked at how he was going to get it through the arch between the utility and the kitchen. He placed his hand under the handle and gave it a smart smack upwards, the handle came off. same with the freezer part. He and his mate then very carefully manoeuvred it through the arch into the kitchen. He asked me if I had a rubber hammer, does the bear poop in the woods? sez I. So passed one to him he positions the handles and pops them back on wiv the hammer.
Job done!
Can't judge a book by its cover!
All good fun!:D:D:D
Well it din't rain in fact it was feck off hot. I got the last of the "grass" cut with the big machine so all i have to do is run the tank dry then it's ready to go off to the neighbours for winter storage chez eux.
Wifey spent 2 hours :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: on a zoom with a friend. FB or summat, glad it cost nowt. Then spent the rest of the day weeding and cutting back the stupid amount of stuff we have at the bottom of our land.
Discovered some of the decking under the perogola down there has rotted. Strangely there is one plank rotten as a pear but the two either side are fine.:rolleyes:
And this is a place we can count on the fingers of one hand that we have actually sat on and had a bevvy. Mad.
So yet another job on the list for next time we come, or maybe not!
Secured the new hen house with fancy ground anchor things and small ratchet straps to give it a chance of surviving the winter winds up here. Placing the last ground anchor was a laugh as we have so many moles here that the tunnels go all over the place. :rolleyes:
Still, steak for dins with home grown spuds etc. Nice!
Sunday tomoz so fairly relaxing cept we have neebs coming round for apéro dinatoire in the eve.
Sleep tight folks!:):):)
Spent 16 hours of my life here today. Called at 03:45 and finished eventually at 21:00:(

Don’t think it was saved


8000 gallons out of this stopped it smouldering

Looked ont youtube fer the winning tennis shot and how she realises she's win-d. Fekin reaction video's everywhere. For thems that dun't know... there be a craze of filming yerself (over) reacting to a video yer watchin. Chuck int some critisisum cus yer somehow connectid to said video, like having lost yer favourite tennis ball 50 yeers ago... Tis done to create vid's to put up cos yer gottid nowt interestin ter film. Anyfink to get views ont moneytied vid's. Twots.
Shame you can't keep one, but if you can't you can't.:(
But when you have 7 of the liddle beggars peaing all over the kitchen floor, takes a lot of mopping up!;)
Us du av six gundogs orlready an it be cramped in us terraced hovel. Wuz moor important tu pass on breeding uv us little bitch who be a star performer. Er dun full zeazun at tu year old wiv no drama an be bang on whissle. Er come vrum upcountry zo er be yoosful injecshun uv noo blud into us local breeding an wun bitch puppy be snapped up by major trainer & trialler (A panel judge) zo us be ferry complimented.
Truing a bicycle wheel is a Zen fing I fink. Started oft wif a banana, an got it down a nickle wiggle. Shoulda stopped there, I only flog it. Rapidly went back to banana. Frustrated, but determined. Gonna loosen it all off an start over, take a look at you tube for tips.

Lovely day ere, just a little wuk this morning an then the afternoon oft. Though a.mate found an axe in an old shed he wants me to bring up to a usable standard, an he has a mower blade he want sharpening... :rolleyes:

Have a lovely day peeps

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