...well that's a fecker and no mistake. :(
I have been lucky it seems. My C2-C1 vertebrae are displaced/dislocated significantly (The Christopher Reeve Injury).
However, this is NOT the news I was looking for. It may not be fixable, and there are many other problems to boot.
I probably should change my user name to Quasimodo as I have a dowager hump developing in my upper back.
It is an embÜggeration for sure. :(

:eek: O dear im stunned so sorry matey :(:(
I have a cunning plan to avoid the wheelchair. ;)
One of these? ;)

I finished early today helped my mate fit his exhaust on his vw breadvan (he loves it)
then wired up the nsf side repeater on the fender had a couple of beers and started wrapping
up the loom & had another few beers. :D:D Then the misses came looking for us as dinner
was well late so ive been in the dog house. :rolleyes: Rum please.... :D:D
Don't go up on the moors. You might get unwelcome attention from rams :eek:.
That happened in Pembrokeshire a few years ago. The Land Rover dealer 'stored' all his incoming NEW stock in a field behind his premises and one morning came into work to find some of his vehicles had had their panels smashed in - the cops moved in to make arrests ..... only to discover the culprit(s) were the rams who lived in the field had been fighting off their own reflections!! The owner was not amused.

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