...well that's a fecker and no mistake. :(
I have been lucky it seems. My C2-C1 vertebrae are displaced/dislocated significantly (The Christopher Reeve Injury).
However, this is NOT the news I was looking for. It may not be fixable, and there are many other problems to boot.
I probably should change my user name to Quasimodo as I have a dowager hump developing in my upper back.
It is an embÜggeration for sure. :(
...well that's a fecker and no mistake. :(
I have been lucky it seems. My C2-C1 vertebrae are displaced/dislocated significantly (The Christopher Reeve Injury).
However, this is NOT the news I was looking for. It may not be fixable, and there are many other problems to boot.
I probably should change my user name to Quasimodo as I have a dowager hump developing in my upper back.
It is an embÜggeration for sure. :(
Sorry to hear this my friend, that is not good at all :(
.... that I have just realised that after 19 years here, I don't know anyone local to witness the signing of the contract to sell the place. Fortunately, my Mrs has loads of friends :rolleyes:
and yes, it looks like we will be homeless before the month is out :oops: so I had better find a hotel for a few weeks!
Well pleased to hear you are making progress. :):):)
Never heard of this business of getting someone to witness the signing of the contract, maybe this is new.:rolleyes:
In the past witnesses were usually people from the lawyer's office.
Ouch about the hotel!:eek::eek::eek:
Short term let not a possibility then?
Anyway, best of luck with it all.:):):):)
...well that's a fecker and no mistake. :(
I have been lucky it seems. My C2-C1 vertebrae are displaced/dislocated significantly (The Christopher Reeve Injury).
However, this is NOT the news I was looking for. It may not be fixable, and there are many other problems to boot.
I probably should change my user name to Quasimodo as I have a dowager hump developing in my upper back.
It is an embÜggeration for sure. :(
Dan, mate, so sorry to hear this.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Can only commiserate and hope they manage to do something to stabilise the situation if they can't improve it.
I bet all the keep fit stuff you have been doing has helped to support it all with good muscle tone.
Can't express how sorry I feel for you.
all the very, very best mate.
Well went to bed early last night, had to turn the box off due to thunder yet again.:rolleyes:
Up early and running around like headless chickens to get ready for our lunch guests. The meal was a success and I now have to copy and translate Wifey's recipe for Pavlova as neighbours said it was the best they had ever eaten.:D:D:D
Went to see the vet this arvo as had a not encouraging message from I-CAD. They have got my email but won't be looking at it for ages as they are only up to August the 26th today! So went to see the vet and tell her what their advice was.:rolleyes:
She was very frazzled and also uncomprehending of what was going on. She rang the DDPP, (Who? feckknows, but she did.) Of course they had all gone home. :mad::mad::mad:
So I sat there while she typed out a huge email to them.:rolleyes:
She told me to ring her late Monday to see if they had got back to her. Apparently peeps come home form their jollydays at the end of August then all pile in to the vets, en masse, so she is run off her feet and can do without me hassling her. :(:(:(:(
Came home, told Wifey who exploded. (She was still under the affluence of the incohol consumed at lunch.;))
So I then did deeper research and discovered that really there is no reason why the vet cannot give us the passport with all the paperwork we already have. In fact the registration of the chips with I-CAD is only necessary if you are going to be staying here for more then 3 months which we obviously are not doing. So this is a side issue which has snowballed and confused all and sundry.:rolleyes:
So I emailed her practice with this info and am wondering if she'll even read it on Monday.:(
Meanwhile I think on Monday I might try another vet and see what they say. I might need to go to Castres, a bigger town. ;)
Can do without all this paperwork cr@p.
Couldn't sleep again last night so had to take morphine again. double bugger.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Enjoy what is left of the evening folks!:):):):)
Dan, mate, so sorry to hear this.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Can only commiserate and hope they manage to do something to stabilise the situation if they can't improve it.
I bet all the keep fit stuff you have been doing has helped to support it all with good muscle tone.
Can't express how sorry I feel for you.
all the very, very best mate.
Is just the luck of the draw I guess.
Worryingly the offset/dislocation is "estimated" as 12mm and the cervical section of the cord is about the same thickness so its a bit "tight".
Wifey says go see GP and kick off NHS investigation too. Which may be a good idea if I don't want to be in a wheelchair.
Is just the luck of the draw I guess.
Worryingly the offset/dislocation is "estimated" as 12mm and the cervical section of the cord is about the same thickness so its a bit "tight".
Wifey says go see GP and kick off NHS investigation too. Which may be a good idea if I don't want to be in a wheelchair.
Don't think there is any harm in following your Wifey's advice.
I was once told that a spinal cord has to be compressed by a frighteningly large amount before you feel the pain, something like 95%.
Don't know if it is true, but in view of me being in the worst pain I have ever had, I too am worried like you are about what may be the case.
I'm crossing all my fingers for you, while I still can!
Well pleased to hear you are making progress. :):):)
Never heard of this business of getting someone to witness the signing of the contract, maybe this is new.:rolleyes:
In the past witnesses were usually people from the lawyer's office.
Ouch about the hotel!:eek::eek::eek:
Short term let not a possibility then?
Anyway, best of luck with it all.:):):):)
Nothing new as the person who witnessed the sale of this one is the same one who witnessed it when we bought it 19 years ago!
No chance in the current climate, getting a hotel room for a few weeks won't be too bad, a couple of grand at most ;)

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