How big is your memory stick? Not as big as 1 cd I would guess.

Seems all the pooter guys are sleeping;):).

Not that I know much about pooters and stuff, but i do know that CDs have far more "stuff" on them than MP3 format toons.
I once tried to download CDs onto an MP3 player. Got very little on so gave up. converted them to MP3 and got loads on.
This I know is very old skool now.
But get this for old skool, I take my tiny, dry cell powered MP3 player, and play it through my tape player by plugging the gismo into the headphones socket and sticking the other bit in the Tape player.
works like a dream! Wifey was working in London at the time, got 3 for less than a fiver each.

Also we now have a Vinyl disc player that will somehow put music from the record onto a USB stick. The stick even came with the record player. Never tried it! would now if it wasn't for the fact the player is in France! Grr!
All good fun!
Hanging around unused, I've got a 16 and a 32 but I suspect I will need to buy a much larger capacity one for my plan to work. :)
I'd have a bash on one of them, try downloading a whole CD, as is, then converting it to MP3 or whatever the equivalent is nowadays.
This should tell you what is possible.
apparently a a music CD has about 700 meg on it, so as I gig is 1000 meg, you should get easily 16 CDs on your smaller stick.
But then i may be completely wrong cos i have only just looked at this ont internet.
My MPs player came with a disc that converted CDs to MP3 files. and of course the MP3 player gave me the chance to vary the sounds coming out of it, and to find/name files. Don't know how you would do this with a simple stick. Unless your player does that for you.
I think this is the limit of my knowledge!;)
Number of mp3 music files on a memory stick... depends on the bit rate quality. The higher the bit rate, the higher the quality of sound, the biggerer the file size of each song.

Lot's of video's ont youtube showing the process in detail. Effectively playing the music into software which picks out the song and saves it to mp3. Over 10 years since I did it so it's probably got easier.
Moist out there from a very light drizzle but it looks as if it is on its way out.
He's under 'is 'edge and t'other's snoring away in 'is pit, me? I'm in mi pit wi me cuppa.
For all those workers, have a good day at the coal face and for our retiree club members have fun with whatever you choose to do. :)
Morning All :D
A bit damp and chilly out there.
For some unknown reason my right knee is really caning me today. :(
All the usual stuff done. Herself is trying to get some sleep (UTI has had her up and down all night, waking me up each time too):(
No response from the Drs. Not even answering the phones. :(
According to my friend Thomas, the start date for the Conservatory work is safe, so I shall order all the materials. :)
Have a wonderful day. :D
Your trouble is you
Even if you have to store all the beggars, and protect them from frost.
Don't know how many there is in a box, nor how big they are. but that ought to be enough to do at least a coupla rooms, no?

Oh youve just noticed lol :D

In old money they are 12"x12" cant remember if there are 10 or 15 in a box.
The lad that delivered them nearly broke my back as he nearly put the pallet
off the tail lift but I stopped it.:mad: Then we had to hand ball the lot as it was like
the leaning tower of pizza no not Pisa.....

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