What a feckin mess!
Looks like electronix issues. such a shame so often the death of a moden car, though 95 ain't modern reely.
No pix of the sills, rear floor or rear x member I notice!;)
Evening all.

Anuvver boring day but at least it's sumfin to do all day.

I found out today that as well as having to use a punching in/out timecard that they pay the staff weekly! That'll screw up paying my monthly bills somewhat. :rolleyes:

On a better note, I was working with a bloke today who spoke acted quite like Borat so that was fun. :D
Ah but was he wearing a mankini!
As a French teacher, if I had done that with either of my wives, even the French one, the exercise books would have become my funeral pyre!
Wifey and i have a kind of shorthand which means, in a polite way, "shut the feck up I ain't interested!"
and after 30 years together we tend to know each others opinions on most things!
It is fortunate that we like and dislike the same things mostly!
My ex and I never managed to get this understanding, which I am sure was at least part of why we are no longer together!
Was Bernard interested in sport?
In his younger life he played rugby but as age took its toll his interest in all sports was deep but passive. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute of my 'further education' at his 'hands' and we both thoroughly enjoyed the banter over his love of language and linguistics, he taught German up to Oxbridge entrance level . Amongst his other language interests, in addition to Welsh was Swedish, Latin, French. He was an academic through and through! Throughout our 42+ years of married life we very much enjoyed partaking in each others interests no matter how diverse they were. He came up with the wonderful holiday trip ideas and I bought whichever vehicles I wanted to enable our enjoyment.
One wonderful and blissfully happy marriage for us both :):):) with, very sadly, a lonely and sad end with no goodbyes. :(
What a feckin mess!
Looks like electronix issues. such a shame so often the death of a moden car, though 95 ain't modern reely.
No pix of the sills, rear floor or rear x member I notice!;)

Ah but was he wearing a mankini!

Knowing him probably haha
In his younger life he played rugby but as age took its toll his interest in all sports was deep but passive. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute of my 'further education' at his 'hands' and we both thoroughly enjoyed the banter over his love of language and linguistics, he taught German up to Oxbridge entrance level . Amongst his other language interests, in addition to Welsh was Swedish, Latin, French. He was an academic through and through! Throughout our 42+ years of married life we very much enjoyed partaking in each others interests no matter how diverse they were. He came up with the wonderful holiday trip ideas and I bought whichever vehicles I wanted to enable our enjoyment.
One wonderful and blissfully happy marriage for us both :):):) with, very sadly, a lonely and sad end with no goodbyes. :(
I am so happy that you managed to have such a lovely marriage. :):):) So sad that Covid meant his life ended as it did with you not able to say goodbye properly. That must play on your mind a lot.
Although I too taught a language, French, to Oxbridge level, I had not much interest in other languages as I never really studied them at school and could not be bothered afterwards. I even lived with a Spanish flatmate for two years and never really made an effort to do much about it. My interests were always elsewhere. He and I shared an interest in photography and did that a lot together. I was always interested in the sciences, engineering, history and music. Which was my second official teaching subject, though I never taught it.
What was your second teaching subject?
Evening all.

Anuvver boring day but at least it's sumfin to do all day.

I found out today that as well as having to use a punching in/out timecard that they pay the staff weekly! That'll screw up paying my monthly bills somewhat. :rolleyes:

On a better note, I was working with a bloke today who spoke and acted quite like Borat so that was fun. :D

Just hang on in, look on it as a stop-gap on the road to doing the thing you want to do. It was always going to be a difficult backwards move, one well below the demands your brain has been used to, but, as 'they' say 'a change is as good as a rest' . If nothing else, you are learning what you do not want to do. Whilst earning something, use the time to carry on searching for that special something without having the stress of no income.
You never know, I.T. might come top of your enjoyment list. :rolleyes::)
Thought you bought chickens not sea gulls
Badminton is the seat of the Duke of Beaufort, a mate of mine's dad used to farm on the Beaufort Estate.
Only knew this as my mate used to hunt with the Beaufort Hunt back in the day and regale me with stories of how "Dukey" was such a mad feck and shouldn't have been riding like that at his age. :D:D:D
I was a P.E. specialist with music as a second teaching subject although I never had any intention of doing it. What I spent most of my career in was special education with the last 25 years of that in management.:)
I knew about the PE, but not about the music, so we have that in common, in more ways than one!
Special Ed eh? sooner you than me! Although our school became a kind of centre for it after the demise of special schools. At any time, towards the end of my career, 25% of the kids in our place had statements of one sort or another. So we all got used to teaching them alongside our normal charges.
As for management, I never got promoted much. Too much of a loose cannon!, or a "Maverick" as one Head of Faculty called me, in the nicest way. I didn't want it anyway. Stopped applying for promoted posts in about my third year.
So what instruments do you play? Brass, guitar and a bit of keyboards in my case. But used to sing, a LOT. Bet you do too. Love a Welsh choir.:):):):)

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