Ah wnet int loft yesterday. If yer start layt yer end layt. Ah mus remembur that. Got all messd tup. Frow erway overall wuks well. Air compressa ter blowd me self undustid. Got me cabols sortid but ah need ter neatun tup me loft insulaysun. It be ok fer now but thar be rubble unda it fromt when ruf were re tyuld. Ah be finkin erbowt pullin tup insulalsun un ooverin tup mess un purrun bak. Bits er tyle un brick un cement dust. But it can wayt ferra nuvva day when eye gorra longa pipe ont me filta bucket and ah can be bovverud ter dowit.
Another crack at the utility-room sink. 25 Years or more of "gloop" has settled in me pipes and gone hard. Tried all the usual "spirits-of-salts", "Caustic Soda" and proprietary "Drain-O" type stuff and it has not got any better. Today a little 5Mtr spring coil on a rotating hand carrier arrived so I have just penetrated my pipes while the Mrs turned the handle. I did encounter a blockage/stiff resistance but then it all shifted and went slack again. So this is rodding attempt #1 and the drain is all back together with some more "commercial-unblocker" delivered down there by hosepipe & funnel. Wait 15 mins then light blue touch-paper I reckon. Wish me Luck!
Sink Soap-Opera's Update.
So after rodding and then delivering Super-Drain-O to the affected pipe in the Utility room we carried out a highly scientific test (Honest it was!).
We filled a known good sink (both bowls) in the kitchen with water and timed how long it took to completely empty. Then repeated the same test in the Utility room. Both sinks are under 40 Seconds from almost brim-full. SO I reckon we have won the battle of the blockage.
Another crack at the utility-room sink. 25 Years or more of "gloop" has settled in me pipes and gone hard. Tried all the usual "spirits-of-salts", "Caustic Soda" and proprietary "Drain-O" type stuff and it has not got any better. Today a little 5Mtr spring coil on a rotating hand carrier arrived so I have just penetrated my pipes while the Mrs turned the handle. I did encounter a blockage/stiff resistance but then it all shifted and went slack again. So this is rodding attempt #1 and the drain is all back together with some more "commercial-unblocker" delivered down there by hosepipe & funnel. Wait 15 mins then light blue touch-paper I reckon. Wish me Luck!
Sink Soap-Opera's Update.
So after rodding and then delivering Super-Drain-O to the affected pipe in the Utility room we carried out a highly scientific test (Honest it was!).
We filled a known good sink (both bowls) in the kitchen with water and timed how long it took to completely empty. Then repeated the same test in the Utility room. Both sinks are under 40 Seconds from almost brim-full. SO I reckon we have won the battle of the blockage.

Careful how you mix yer chemicals ...

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