All ah wonts issa bud nest. Last yeer naybor next won darn gorra nest int edg er ruf. Now me naybor assa nest int edg er ruf. Bastids. Eye only wonts er nest. It be not lyke ah be askin ferra rynossarus ffs.

Av you though about building a des res fer a bobbin ?


Av you though about building a des res fer a bobbin ?


Yep. Got me wud and seen the open front type bobbins like. But not shor where ter purrit. Inna bush covverd wiv leeves 5 foot oft grand is an option ah gottid. The saym bush assa wuddon fence behynd it and covers it ont won syde. Ah cud nail er nest ter fence wiv bush covverin it.

Eye always fink the open nest type bobbins lyke is open ter prediters. He wud be betterer oft int spare rum. Ah can leef the sink full fer baf tyme. Putta khat flap int winda.
Sister heard a noise outside..

Went out half asleep, and found a stray dog wandering around our garden, deceptively large thing too.

Sister was holding the torch when she waved the torch towards it the thing barked and growled which resulted in the torch being dropped, so here i am outside with an mutt in the dark..

Managed to catch it, got a few scratches mind you, bastard runt..

My 2 Dobermans managed to "calm it" having them is a great help.. :cool:

Got the thing off my land hand back to where it came...

Seemed to be a wild dog, no collar and looking rough, aggressive too..

Like a Horror movie it ran off into the darkness barking and growling :eek::confused:


Needless to say my Sister insisted my Dogs "stand guard" :D

which they're.. :)
@Turktowner you sure it was fully engaged?

Isn't it just an on / off thing? Not engaged = neutral?
I'd noticed something was up when manoeuvring at low speed. Thought maybe the tyres were catching somewhere in full lock. Then my hind brain caught up on the way home.. Still, JM has spoken, am optimistic..

Oh, mornin all! Looks nice out again :)
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Sister heard a noise outside..

Went out half asleep, and found a stray dog wandering around our garden, deceptively large thing too.

Sister was holding the torch when she waved the torch towards it the thing barked and growled which resulted in the torch being dropped, so here i am outside with an mutt in the dark..

Managed to catch it, got a few scratches mind you, bastard runt..

My 2 Dobermans managed to "calm it" having them is a great help.. :cool:

Got the thing off my land hand back to where it came...

Seemed to be a wild dog, no collar and looking rough, aggressive too..

Like a Horror movie it ran off into the darkness barking and growling :eek::confused:


Needless to say my Sister insisted my Dogs "stand guard" :D

which they're.. :)

The Baskerville hound ?

Prolly some poor mutt, who someone won't or can't feed ...

Can you report it to a local dog warden ?
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Yep. Got me wud and seen the open front type bobbins like. But not shor where ter purrit. Inna bush covverd wiv leeves 5 foot oft grand is an option ah gottid. The saym bush assa wuddon fence behynd it and covers it ont won syde. Ah cud nail er nest ter fence wiv bush covverin it.

Eye always fink the open nest type bobbins lyke is open ter prediters. He wud be betterer oft int spare rum. Ah can leef the sink full fer baf tyme. Putta khat flap int winda.

The collar for the khat flap wood slow in dahn like ...

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