What list? o_O
Sorry, the post was unclear. It was in response to the original post listing all the positive attributes of the freelancer. “Character “ was not on the list.
Admittedly I did not read the remaining 40000 pages of replies and realise that the post may have been a bit out of context in regards to the remaining pages. Sorry if it offended.
Sorry, the post was unclear. It was in response to the original post listing all the positive attributes of the freelancer. “Character “ was not on the list.
Admittedly I did not read the remaining 40000 pages of replies and realise that the post may have been a bit out of context in regards to the remaining pages. Sorry if it offended.
Not offended in any way, I was just wondering what you meant. :)
I didn’t notice “ character “ on that list!
Last item ;)

I knew wot yer ment even if the rif raf in ere din't.
Welcome to the forum
Sorry, the post was unclear. It was in response to the original post listing all the positive attributes of the freelancer. “Character “ was not on the list.
Admittedly I did not read the remaining 40000 pages of replies and realise that the post may have been a bit out of context in regards to the remaining pages. Sorry if it offended.

No offence taken, but try to quote to whom your reply pertains, cos we is fick here ... :)

And it means then if a reply is forthcoming, you get to understand it too ...

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