Most laughable comment of the weekend has to be "we are here to do some mileage, not hang land rovers from trees" :eek::rofl:
Oh and there was not a cat in hells chance that I would have got up it :D

I just wanted a go
so why didn't the pair of yer go back up, and meet the rest at the other end?
they should be capable of navigating back on tarmac?

Because Andy might have got up it, I would have created an epic and we had other lanes to do :D:D

We are however planning it next time
Oh and funniest thing today was the Wayfarer.

We were half way across and happened to meet Paul D and Top Cat where the lanes meet. They had been laning in a totally different area of Wales :D

Then had a traffic jam on Pleasant Steps when we met our second group coming the other way. By the time we had sorted a way to get past Paul D and Top Cats group caught us up.

Apart from that the organisation went OK
Oh and funniest thing today was the Wayfarer.

We were half way across and happened to meet Paul D and Top Cat where the lanes meet. They had been laning in a totally different area of Wales :D

Then had a traffic jam on Pleasant Steps when we met our second group coming the other way. By the time we had sorted a way to get past Paul D and Top Cats group caught us up.

Apart from that the organisation went OK

my regards to paul D.
never met tc, but regards anyway ;)
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Sue and the gang for this weekend. Me and JohnNew had a great time, great lanes, scenery to die for (and we thought we were going to :eek:) and a great group of people - slightly bonkers - but great never the less! Looking forward to the Dales next :D
check the turbo flexi pipes for delaminating. the last one I replaced was a second hand flexi ;)

Thanks Neil, I remembered what you'd said about the pipe so its the first thing I will check:)

Hopefully it won't be anything too sinister, sure the guys on here will give you some good advice. I doubt the weekend would cause a turbo failure? Could be that red diesel?

Just for the record no red diesel was used:p

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Sue and the gang for this weekend. Me and JohnNew had a great time, great lanes, scenery to die for (and we thought we were going to :eek:) and a great group of people - slightly bonkers - but great never the less! Looking forward to the Dales next :D

Only slightly bonkers?:rolleyes::scratching_chin::D:D:D

Right I am off the get filthy, probably:cool:
Erm no, i'm not doing it again, managed it damage free this time (other than possibly a few more branch scratches) and I aint pushing my luck with it - it is an EVIL lane :D

I love this lane ... It is without doubt my favourite and the most challenging one I have done. We did notice that the railway sleeper wasn't in the right place when we got there so we moved it - as you were in front I'm guessing you didn't use it and that would make it very scary :eek:.
I love this lane ... It is without doubt my favourite and the most challenging one I have done. We did notice that the railway sleeper wasn't in the right place when we got there so we moved it - as you were in front I'm guessing you didn't use it and that would make it very scary :eek:.

I tried to move it, but my back said "no" so it was done without. I didn't find that bit as bad as the tippy side slope just before it.
We didn't bother with the sleeper;) favourite too, scared me silly but I loved every minute- still have some of the foliage stuck in my twig and a little less paint!
Update on Dave- checked all the pipes and nothing untoward so took off the air filter which was full of crap and walked down the local parts shop to buy a new one. They didn't have one so I walked it happens suade brushes are very good for cleaning air filters:D
Popped the filter back on and took him for a little tootle. All seems well:D
We didn't bother with the sleeper;) favourite too, scared me silly but I loved every minute- still have some of the foliage stuck in my twig and a little less paint!
Update on Dave- checked all the pipes and nothing untoward so took off the air filter which was full of crap and walked down the local parts shop to buy a new one. They didn't have one so I walked it happens suade brushes are very good for cleaning air filters:D
Popped the filter back on and took him for a little tootle. All seems well:D

An itg filter would be useful you can clean it out every 6 months and use it again and again

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