An itg filter would be useful you can clean it out every 6 months and use it again and again

& that's why I've got a K&N in my D2. ...any brand of reusable filter is a good idea.

Glad that the filter appears to have cured Dave's ailments Sarah! :cool:
so far we have-
a 90 running hot,
a disco with possible terminal body mounts (or so he thinks),
a dave chucking black smoke out.

and collateral works, due to a disco with terminal body mounts, a 2a that may require an mot and possibly a 200 conversion with an unknown engine that "came with it", a calibra that needs an mot, and the endurance of john in the workshop to assist :eek:

Another disco with a broken rear ARB, buckled ARB mouting bracket, rear body mount in need of welding, and a fractured exhaust pipe and that one only did one day!

Corrected that for you.
Ace trip, fantastic weather & great to meet a few new faces!

Happy birthday again to Heidi & Sarah, and a big thanks to Zip for leading our group (non / less-modified motors) all weekend.
God we do get some odd people stalking us in here :eek::eek::eek:

Do they think we cant see the names at the bottom of the page :D:D:D

Anyway, off back to the start of the trip reports to see what everyone has posted :D
I'd just like to thank everyone for such a fantastic day. Lanes were great and as a first timer I found them quite challenging. It really surprised me just what my discovery can do and sorry I chickened out at the bomb hole. I shall post some photos and videos tomorrow. I wish I could do day 2 but this time of year is really busy and I can't take 2 consecutive days off

It was lovely to meet you :D

You did really really well for a newbie and your Disco went everywhere. The bomb hole doesn't count as chickening out, I wouldn't have done that in my first year of laning :D
Thanks for a brilliant weekend. It was great to meet you all!! Special thanks to the organisers of this trip and those who helped us with the unexpected stop:D !!! Got some good pics and videos that we will load up and please let us know if you want anything emailing! Also if anyone has any of us could we see them please :) see you in the Dales (if you allow us to continue as a part of the crew ;) )
Scott and Mel

Was really great to meet you and Mel, and so funny that your Disco has come on two of our trips with two completely unconnected owners. What a coincidence :eek:

Would love any pics or videos you have of the trip.

See you both soon on the Dales weekend
just home, what a fantastic w/end. Thanks to everybody who organised the w/end and thanks to everybody who turned up it was nice to meet you all, and everybody made it such a great time:D:D:D

Was great to see you and Heidi again :D:D

Home, shattered, defender washed, unknown amount of miles done, I want to try some of those lanes in the winter :)

And lovely to see you again :D:D

Home and shattered...limped off the motorway-don't think Dave is very well :(

But what a fantastic weekend:D:D:D- Thankyou so much Sue and Zip for all the planning and Andy for leading our group. Particularly enjoyed Bastard lane this morning ...absolutely epic!!!!! Lots of photos to follow but I am too tired to sort them now.

:eek::eek::eek: Poor Dave, I hope Neil gets him fixed soon. Not long to the Dales trip :D
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Sue and the gang for this weekend. Me and JohnNew had a great time, great lanes, scenery to die for (and we thought we were going to :eek:) and a great group of people - slightly bonkers - but great never the less! Looking forward to the Dales next :D

Only SLIGHTLY bonker :eek::eek:

We must not have tried very hard this weekend :D:D:D

I thought the pier jumping and swimming during beer time would have been just about enough :D:D
Erm no, i'm not doing it again, managed it damage free this time (other than possibly a few more branch scratches) and I aint pushing my luck with it - it is an EVIL lane :D

Well apparently you said the same the last time you saw it, and forgot :p:p:p

I will sneak it in next time and you wont notice :D:D:D

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