Great day out today, shame we lost a good part of the afternoon helping pc plod out closing a road for them.
hi all i have been on here a few times but dont seem to get the time !!
anyway i was out and about earlier and bumped into a few red sock brigade in lilley who stopped for a chat !! friendly i thought untill one of them saw my landyzone sticker on my disco !! he went on to say that they watch the herts threds and referred to page 730 and the pics would help them no end !! i dont know where they were taken but it didnt help !! i told them we ALL have a legal right to use the lanes and i just carried on my slow merry way ,i just thought i would let ya all know to be careful what pics ya put on ,GAZ
Rangie V8 you been destroying Harlington lane??? My favourite lane??? We cannot loose anymore in the area its desperate as it is! Wasn't Jamie with Alf today? I thought they were out ESSex way?

nope he was out with me!

love the way im destroying it yet when everyone else drives it, its fine!!! this place is a joke sometimes see why i dont use it much. Dont think i will come back have fun
Great day out today, shame we lost a good part of the afternoon helping pc plod out closing a road for them.

in one sense yea i kinda agree it was a shame, but on the other hand the loss of 2 lives is more of a shame. driving back made me think of the old fella leaning on his car in tears - yea it coulda gone better, yea the police coulda sorted it quicker but it could have been worse

on a lighter and brighter note, good god those tyres are grippy - bloody good day, bloody good lane as well, and thank god we brought the recovery gear, because there was a slight cround clearance issue with the 110!

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Not guilty I have been a bit out of laning of late its getting a bit out of hand. As many of the Forum have told me of late. Everyone seems to want to get "muddy" and do all the "mad" lanes yes I would love to do this this also however we cannot all this "green laning" Loose term is actually not greenlaning but going out to get muddy and is blatent ignorance of the hard work of the few. I mean the man that goes out to destroy the lanes are complete idiots but the people that genuinly believe they are doing right and then do the exact opposite are not living in the real world. I was spoken to by a local Row officer that actually approves of 4x4 usage but his words were that I should not get involved in the greenlane section of and I quote Difflock, Landyzone, LR4x4 and another forum as they are being watched this was by txt after I phoned him about Pepperstock. Now if anyone wants to go mud pluggin come to a comp, better still go to a play day or somwhere else. I'm always up for the recovery of others when they get it wrong but that is recovery and not going out to give the anti's any ammo.

Sorry if this upsets anyone but its got to be said and of late I have shyed away from anything that has been likley to be dodgy. Yes I have been in a few bad outings that have been fun but there is a time and place Gents and ladies.
sorry Rangie V8,
I have not been doing anything remotly bad since i got a telling off. Harlington is my Fav lane, i would drive it every week if I could but thats not possible. The last time I drove it was to recover a vehicle late around midnight. I have looked at it twice every month since being open but decided not to drive it on every occasion. The time before that was to recover waffle boards left behind. I admit I love the rough stuff, hell my mota is kitted for the mad stuff. But our lanes is NOT the place to be needing all the gear. Derbyshire with the LZ members was great very reponsible driving by everyone no damage to lanes or vehicles and no mud/gravel flying. Green laning however much we hate to admit it is for a lovley drive in the country with much wildlife.

I refered to ur comment as destroying Harlington for 2 reasons:

Your mota was covered in mud. Assuming ur vehicle is road legal you must have spun your wheels like billio to get it covered as you say as bad as Whaddon. Spinning wheels results in deep ruts that make it impassible for others, well done! Top marks! I hope Northants 4x4 response condone such actions.
Secondly i know you want to have fun but glass (not my fav), trail riders, and many other pro greenlane groups have been fighting since well probably before you owned a green lane able mota to maintain our rights we always keep going on about, the right to pass and repass this unsurfaced highway.
. Yes they can impose restrictions but they are there to ultimatly keep open our lanes giving us access.

It has been commented on that the Herts greenlaners have a reputation for being irrisponsible. One i thought was unjust. Although reading what gets posted its hard not to see their point.

I have been guilty of driving lanes that were un suitable and it may even have been fun but its not right and needs to stop Hence my attitude for the last few months.

If anyone wants to discuss this furthur feel free to PM me (although it'll probably be full) lol I have vented my issues and hope thats the end of it. Jai
p.s it would be good oppertunity to hear from those that have spoken to me about these problems or not, its up to them oh and group numbers thats a whole issue in itself
i have to say the majority of what you say i agree with. a lane done today was sketchy, but i believe i would have done it with very little fuss, and causing minimal damage. the issue was when a motor which actually by all acounts was not equipped for the job got so stuck that i had to go back through the lane once more, which isnt the easiest thing to do, and then recover him by pulling him through the lane.

sometimes a less equipped motor may seem the best for the job, but i believe i would have damaged the lane with my mts, and yet with the new tyres i got on now i would not have damaged it had it not been for going backwards and forwards a couple of times. a more aggressive tread pattern isnt always bad news, it means less drama, and results in less damage.

it is a tough one, if i get the time and i am in the uk for long enough i hope to join up with a 4x4 response team, keep the really muddy stuff to pay and plays - and have a sedate sunday on the lanes. today i ended up recovered a few vehicles, including someone elses bobtail rangey who ruined his gear box.

as a whole i would tend to agree, but i feel it is difficult to judge someone purely by photos and comments. everyone occasionally overexxagerates, perhaps rangey_v8 did this time. by all accounts a rangey hasnt a huge amount of clearance, and therefore it would be possible for him to bottom out and spin his wheels before others would - therefore potentially utterly soiling his vehicle before others would have.

again, jai i agree with your sentiments, dont get me wrong, and i appreciate you may have recieved a bit of flack in the past, but i also dont think sarcastic comments and an aggressive approach is the way forward.
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i got stuck im sorry for that i was straddling the ruts so i DIDNT do damage but slipped in **** happens. I DIDNT go down there thinking great i can do a mud run i did what we all do drive a lane. in fact mud plugging isnt my thing yes i spun my wheels only to get out of what i was stuck as james was stuck to you know what its one rule for one one for another on here with you lot if your not in with the crowd your in the wrong, the way you all take the moral high ground on things youve all done do is great.
i got stuck im sorry for that i was straddling the ruts so i DIDNT do damage but slipped in **** happens. I DIDNT go down there thinking great i can do a mud run i did what we all do drive a lane. in fact mud plugging isnt my thing yes i spun my wheels only to get out of what i was stuck as james was stuck to you know what its one rule for one one for another on here with you lot if your not in with the crowd your in the wrong, the way you all take the moral high ground on things youve all done do is great.

it certainly is a touchy issue, i think its difficult to come across how you want to in a forum environment
Jai, I see your point, but Harlington in particular as you well know has tractor sized ruts, not caused by 4x4's but by the tractor of the local farmer. we've both seen the tyre marks. So much so that I'm yet to drive it and if I can't get through it it'd got to be pretty bad. The winter closure of that lane is pointless as the farmer drives it all year, yet 4x4's will get the blame. If it's permanently TRO'd it'll still be bad, as the farmer will still use it.
We drove a lane last week that was so overgrown as to be unwalkable, yet we got a tirade of abuse from a couple for trashing it, which we weren't. I said if we didn't drive it, it would become totally impassable for all.
Jai, I see your point, but Harlington in particular as you well know has tractor sized ruts, not caused by 4x4's but by the tractor of the local farmer. we've both seen the tyre marks. So much so that I'm yet to drive it and if I can't get through it it'd got to be pretty bad. The winter closure of that lane is pointless as the farmer drives it all year, yet 4x4's will get the blame. If it's permanently TRO'd it'll still be bad, as the farmer will still use it.
We drove a lane last week that was so overgrown as to be unwalkable, yet we got a tirade of abuse from a couple for trashing it, which we weren't. I said if we didn't drive it, it would become totally impassable for all.

perspective is a wonderful thing that is lacking in many aspects of this arguement - that is one example where people immediately throw the blame onto 4x4s and yet with a little thought it becomes apparent that actually there are a host of factors as you mention.

again - the second arguement is another people seem to bypass
Rangie you are wrong there is no 'group' or my gang their gang that is what is so great about Herts laners.

Secondly i needed an example and Rangie your comment was up first. I'm sick of being branded a **** for doing what I enjoy cos some others don't play by the rules.

Carpy cheers for ur comments I think You understood what i am trying to get across and it needed to come across harshly to make a point.

If you need tyres any more aggressive than MT's 750's in my opinion then its an unsuitable lane. but that is my opiinion and not worth a **** really but is a rule i stick by now
yes i would say you are probably right, an mt on 7.50s should be able to do all lanes. on the other hand an mt on 7.50s may well not be enough to recover other vehicles in the **** if they are runnig smaller wheels or whatever. prime example is a 110 witth big overhang on the rear and a tow hitch hanging down. the 110 could be running 7.50s and not manage because of that. furthermore if it gets stuck and that digs in (on top of the rear diff as is almost always the case as i am sure you would appreciate) it may well be possible

furthermore the recovery of the vehicle may not be possible on such wheels/tyres. as i found today the lane was doable in the right hands with little difficultly on a vehicle with 7.50s, and yet we had a 110 that routinely got grounded out - both the diff and the rear tow hitch being the issue as usual. i do not believe i would have had the traction and i certainly wouldnt have felt confidant i had the traction on mt tyres. the fact i had more aggressive tyres made for less wheel spinning than if i had been running mts (though in the event even i managed to get temporarily stuck, and so some spinning did occur) either way the more aggressive tyre is what resulted in a positive recovery i am sure. and lets face it in some cases without a more kitted out vehicle it can often result in people on a good day out ending up beached down a lane somewhere.

another example of this is the bobtail rangey i pulled out of a small farmers playground area. his gearbox had gone, and the only other vehicle they had was a v8 disco on road biased ats. they tried pulling him out, but he was well and truly lodged and obviously he was unable to provide and traction as he could not get any gears. once more the bigger more aggressive tyres provided unwavering traction resulting in a safe and positive recovery

it is about perspective, and i do agree with the general consensus that perhaps our lanes should be better looked after, but i also think that grouping people into it, assuming people to have been damaging lanes purely by descriptive text (and we all know that narrative about off roading can be more exciting than the actual event - "covered like whaddon" could well not have been as covered as i may imply) and pointing fingers wont help. what needs to be done is for a blanket approach, not pointing fingers and singlnig out groups, but educating or whatever because at the end of the say singling someone out is not going to stop the thousands of people that may or may not be enjoying the use of lanes which may have been better off left alone
Rather than accusing people of damaging stuff (in an open public forum), and give yet more ammunition to the naysayers, I'm rather going to give a peronal bollocking to anyone who deliberately damages a lane ! Unfortunately I have never seen anyone deliberatly damage a lane, so there will be no bollockings today !!!

On to more important stuff, today Carpy deliberately reversed his 110 into my 90. (or possibly I forgot to apply the handbrake and my 90 rolled into his 110)

Anyway I need to repaint my 90, and as it now needs some repairs it would be a good time to do it. What does everyone think of this colour, Mid Grey

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OK my two pennorth!

When I go out, Kai is always with me...(as most of you know already). It's important that he learns as much as possible about irresponsible as well as sensible green laning, and also where it is appropriate to work hard to overcome an obstacle.

If we go laning into an area where an opstacle exists... especially where it is one that may cause a run of the mill 4 x 4 on ATs to become stuck, we have to to consider that our time might have been better spent contributing to the upkeep of the lane, rather than running the risk of contributing to the damage.

I have been stuck on one or two occasions (;)) but it is surely more appropriate that the lanes are used for a country drive with a difference rather than a challenge?

We spent the weekend with Jai and Andy (Thanks to andy for co driving for me!) at the RTV, JTV thingy. I saw and learned more about skillful off road driving in 6 hours than I have since buying the shogun last year. What's more, the skill is rewarded and costs less than a decent play day!

So come on you lot... how about putting your money where your mouth is. Turn up and get involved in some challenge driving, maybe even get placed and congratulated on your driving expertise, and if, like me, you are not actually that good you will learn stuff that can only help you in the future.

Don't get me wrong, let's all keep laning... Britain has a wonderful network of lanes that we can all enjoy, but lets enjoy them for the right reasons, and give the right example to the next generation of four by four enthusiasts.

There's a line to be drawn between getting muddy and doing damage... if we can all stay on the right side of such a line then we can argue with the anties froom a justifiable standpoint.

Just my opinion... but one that I will try my best to imbue into Kai and Luke.

Just one small thing more...

jesus them boys today could drive !!!!!!!!
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Rather than accusing people of damaging stuff, and give yet more ammunition to the naysayers, I'm going to give a peronal bollocking to anyone who deliberately damages a lane ! Unfortunately I have never seen anyone deliberatly damage a lane, so there will be no bollockings today !!!

On to more important stuff, today Carpy deliberately reversed his 110 into my 90. (or possibly I forgot to apply the handbrake and my 90 rolled into his 110)

Anyway I need to repaint my 90, and as it now needs some repairs it would be a good time to do it. What does everyone think of this colour, Mid Grey


haha im amazed it didnt do anything to the pack of my girl - mental! was the grills on the lights i think - and the nato hitch which took out your grille :D

re the colour - i like it - but i have only ever seen it on a series landy. will it work on a 90? i dunno - do it and see - but everyone will think you are a series when they see you coming ;P
Oh one other thing while I am on the subject...

I suspect that Harlington is one of the exceptions. Seeing the damage that the farmer does to that lane, I am not convinced that any of us could make it much worse. However, I don't know of anyone that has actually spoken to the farmer either. If he is rendering one of our rights of way impassable, perhaps we could talk to him about its upkeep?

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