My point is, Of late looking back at the Forum the impression I get as a greenlaner is that things have become a bit , well sloppy. Lanes and pics of us laning are more and more extreme. Honestly look for yourselves its gone a bit mad.

Now I know most of you guys and hey everyone is of the same attitude and doesn't want to fuel any problems with closures of any Greenlanes. RangyV8 is a good chap and I know wouldn't go out delibratly and mess things up thats the reason I said it because I know he wouldn't. I put his back up and thats the whole point It comes across that we are bad people, we are not, but things we put on the forum and the pics we put up, do us no favours. That is the point I have to make. Sorry RangyV8 you took the brunt but it was the only way to make my point. I have mentioned it a few times at the pub meet that things are getting out of hand. Some other members refuse to go out now because they are put off by these pics and talk of winching yourself out. If you need a winch greenlaning IMO you kinda need to re asses what you are doing as a driver. The lane is either good to drive or not you know if it is or not thats half the fun you drive till you think err am I going to get through this? yes or No if No then turn arund and go back if yes drive it. if you get stuck you know that your ground reading skills require more work. Ok so accidents do happen, so yes mabe once twice a year you may require a winch or a few tows. Also talk of vehicles hitting each other Like above Booger/Carpy it looks bad doesn't it? Failure to control a vehicle on a public highway, dangerous driving, shouldn't all accidents be reported to the police that happen on a public highway? Again a complete accident I'm sure, but its just how we as a group Herts Laners come across. We do ourselves no favours and moan about all the antis but we all could do alot to stop the **** comming back at us.
If we tigten up on what we post and what we do there will be no **** being flung at us by anyone and could even become rated a respected group within the greenlane community.
and there you were jai gettin on your high horse the other day about some other group spittin their dummies out......:kettlepot::kettlepot::kettlepot:
Well that's the undercoat taken care of, what colour topcoat are you thinking of?

Don't be rude :D

re the colour - i like it - but i have only ever seen it on a series landy. will it work on a 90? i dunno - do it and see - but everyone will think you are a series when they see you coming ;P

Well mine is a 1985 pre defender 90, so from what I can tell the correct period colours were the same as avail for the series, obviously as mine is ex mod it should be Nato Green, and I like green, but we have discussed the cons of expeditioning in an army coloured Land Rover.

I guess sand is another option, as it is a military colour, but looks less Nato than green ! Check out the options here !

Land Rover Paint Man | Paint for Land Rovers | Specialist in White Spirit Based, Synthetic & Zylene Based Enamels - Colour Chart 90-110 Defender

click on the colour to change the colour of the landy...
booger if your going to africa I don't know what colour would be best I imagine desert sand colour i think it looks great but the last thing you wanna do is look too military in Africa. So with that said no idea
i went to Croatia 3 times when they were fighting circa 1995, 1996 1998, in a blue 110 with a white roof prety much serbian colours that was fun at all the check points
Ok last night after trialling i come back and had another look at sundon park RoW phoned the council and they have no intention to make it drivable with help from enthusiasts or not if anyone complaints they simply said that they may well then be forced to get it de classified and changed to a bridleway. Helpful me thinks.
just to clarify the "incident" between boogers truck and mine was a low impact collision caused off the public highway on some farmers land - may i add a farmer i know and with permission - and was the result of a failed handbrake which isnt what i would call "failure to control a vehicle" but a genuine fault.

again jai i see what you are saying - but i think sometimes even without meaning it you manage to really get peoples backs up - i think that incident is totally unrelated and should bear absolutely no ****nig relevance to anything to do with trashing greenlanes whatsoever. whats the connection? i cant see it?

sorry, i see what you are saying but as long as you are happy ripping into friends like that then i personally am also going to distance myself from this thread and this "group" because i certainly am not one for backstabbing, throwing handbags, and bitching.

feel free to pm me people, but as long as you lot are throwing handbags and pointing fingers i cant be arsed with it, especially if its mates

sort it out
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carry on with the forum i will distance myself a little, I am trying to look at things from the bobble hat brigades POV and very negitavly. Its amazing how things could look to people that do not get involved within group. I have been doing this for a while and TBH we do not come out looking like caring Greenlaners but quite the opposite in fact. Anyways im off sorry for upsetting everyone none of this was personal just looking from an outsiders perspective somthing I was asked to do after offering help to the disabled ramblers association they looked at our forum and said feck off basically and when I asked why they to look at things from their perspective and I can see exactly their point of view. Anyway sorry again guys and gals. I'm off to work to pay my taxes and mabe make a little money to start building a competition motor. The 90 will be my road/recovery/towing motor. Salisbury plains are calling somtime before xmas as is Wales mabe xmas on the mountain, nice and quiet, Have a good one next time your out laning or playing. Jai
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Hi all WELL!!! looks as though we as a group of friends are out on a self distruct mission. I as some of you are aware have put my point forward in private in the past and dont think an open foremis the place and would think next pub meet would be better.Only my oppinion of course, Steve.
As more lanes get closed all it does is put more pressure on the remaining ones. We're down to less than 2% now. Would be easier for the council to make the remaining ones vehicles only and ban pedestrians, don't spend any money maintaining them, leave it to the users to maintain them. Construct barriers at each end that only 4x4's can get over, to stop fly tipping. Another alternative is to open more up to relieve the pressure on the few. Other alternative is to close them all and they'll be lost to everyone as they'll become overgrown and biodiversity will go.
Jai Salisbury/Wales sounds good,count me in if something is arranged,lets __ALL__ get together and do one of these comps with a little compertition on the side amongst us.
I`m still going to go laneing but fore those that want to give themself`s a proper test of thier driving skills it cood be a good day out.
What's all this then?? I'm not quite sure who has done what with which and to whom but I'm sorry to see it. Nuf said.
Quick precis then, don't call the Police Nazis, don't drive a lane without walking down it first, if there's any risk of getting you Land Rover muddy don't drive it, don't post any pictures, don't use a winch, don't have tyres bigger than 7.50's,don't crash into your mates motor(last one Phil take note) Don't call each other names.
There, think I've covered it, now where are we going next?

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