Hi Kev how are yee?

I'm good mate. Was in N.Wales the weekend, off to Dorset tonight, certainly clocking some miles at the moment, just over 1,000 miles in the last week and a half, which 'int bad considering i was stuck in the office for most of that! Should be about for a pint tomorrow evening - all things being equal of course.
carry on with the forum i will distance myself a little, I am trying to look at things from the bobble hat brigades POV and very negitavly. Its amazing how things could look to people that do not get involved within group. I have been doing this for a while and TBH we do not come out looking like caring Greenlaners but quite the opposite in fact. Anyways im off sorry for upsetting everyone none of this was personal just looking from an outsiders perspective somthing I was asked to do after offering help to the disabled ramblers association they looked at our forum and said feck off basically and when I asked why they to look at things from their perspective and I can see exactly their point of view. Anyway sorry again guys and gals. I'm off to work to pay my taxes and mabe make a little money to start building a competition motor. The 90 will be my road/recovery/towing motor. Salisbury plains are calling somtime before xmas as is Wales mabe xmas on the mountain, nice and quiet, Have a good one next time your out laning or playing. Jai

the best kind of rambler is one that cant fooking walk or talk :D
Jai are you also helping these groups ?

The Blind Sharp shooters Association

The High Horse Club

To be honest i wouldnt get involved with any group.They dont like us using lanes and wont stop until we have all been banned.So they can kiss my arse to be perfectly honest.
Well Hello all...Just come back from a bike trip to France trip for 4 days..what a nightmare yesterday evening was.
6pm Yesterday Bloody alarm/immob on bike packed up, couldnt disarm it...the ferry was leaving Calais 3am this morn...AA wanted £350 (coonts, bitards, foookers) for Recovery... Yer rite...

Met a very nice policeman, (YES, THERE ARE VERY NICE ONES ABOUT...AND LOTS OF THEM...:D who very very VERY kindly gave me and my bike a lift to calais (100 miles, Was staying in La Somme) !
Then the Disco came invery handy hindeed...Dad came and met me at dover... a Fireblade in the Back of the Disco! Not sure how we managed that, it worked though... It was heavy bistard lifting the fooker in.

Still that saved me quite a few bob...Good old Disco

Moral of the Story....1) Disco's are great 2) Fooking alarms and Immobilizers...fine when they are working, when they arnt...Hmmmphhh
ahh while on the pc thing

yesterday me, redwingslandy, booger and b3aker spent a good hour of our time closing off a road for the police while they dealt with a multi fatality RTA. after 20 minutes i was thanked and told a copper was on the way to "relieve us".

20 minutes later a traffic cop drives past, when asked whether he was there to close the road he just said no and fired past those three, i was by the scene so i then asked and he said "it was below the list of his duties". he then proceeded to stand by his vehicle and do nothing in relation to the incident

i got a thank you from one officer who seemed a thorougly decent chap, and he took down my details. all the rest of them were very unhelpful, and many were very unprofessional (allowing a relative to run up to her mother who had died and was laying on the road 20 minutes after the incident took place when she turned up in her jeep, and not trying to at least delay it until the woman was in a more suitable condition / place)

the one copper was sound, the rest really did live up to the stereotype that i had put forward a little while ago. furthermore that traffic cop told me that i had "better sort out" my vehicle - having spent 40 minutes on scene helping coppers out by closing a road

**** take muchly
I offered help as they too get stuck and batterys go flat or whatever I thought that by offering them help or a phone number to ring is such circumstances would possibly show we can work together. I wouldnt have bothered but when I heared them on the radio they sounded just like us. The powered ones towing the hand powered buggies through, a bit **** taking between the powered and non powered buggies over which is best kinda like suzuki' drivers and landy drivers. They sounded like a good bunch, which is rarther how I feel about all the Herts lot I have met to date. They threw me a little and just said to look at it from their POV. I did and then I felt quite bad and vented it at the forum. I know we 4x4's are descriminated against I have spent ages trying to justify our actions but couldn't really come up with anything. Believe me I do and have enjoyed green laning for years. Always fort to preserve the lanes we have in the area.
Then I put forward what it comes across as if you have not ever being involved. Rangie was used as an example only of how things come across. All I'm saying is we should be more careful and considerate as not all the bobble brigade can be that bad surley? I've only ever met 3 or 4 that have showed any bad feelings towards 4x4s when I've been out green laning.
hi all, BLOODY HELL !!!
sorry i didn't mean to start a war !! i was just passing on an experience from the weekend. i must admit after looking at the page that was mentioned it did look to be extreme sorry if that offends anyone but the red sock brigade had a valid point !! the lanes are few and far between and if pics like those help them with their argument then they should not be posted .
not knowing any of you in person but i am sure you all wouldn't rip up a lane for the hell of it . All i was trying to do was bring it to your attention that these forums are being watched and recorded by the anti brigade so sorry once again !! GAZ
Quick precis then, don't call the Police Nazis, don't drive a lane without walking down it first, if there's any risk of getting you Land Rover muddy don't drive it, don't post any pictures, don't use a winch, don't have tyres bigger than 7.50's,don't crash into your mates motor(last one Phil take note) Don't call each other names.
There, think I've covered it, now where are we going next?

and don't break wind in front of a landy....oh hang on a moment. Sorry, that should be "in front of a lady"
not knowing any of you in person but i am sure you all wouldn't rip up a lane for the hell of it . All i was trying to do was bring it to your attention that these forums are being watched and recorded by the anti brigade so sorry once again !! GAZ
I'm fine with them being watched. This is for the twitchers:None of us drive anything that's illegal, so no Bridleways, Footpaths, private land, TRO'd, etc. We don't go off piste. We don't rip lanes up, they are no worse than before we drove them. All of our vehicles are taxed & insured. Why rip a lane to pieces, we want to go back and be able to drive them again someday.

We drove a lane that was so overgrown you couldn't walk down it, never been down it before, 99% of it was hard ground and totally flat, apart from one bit with a stream going across it. We'd driven about a mile down the lane with bushes touching both sides of the landys. As we got to the bit with the stream, which was adjacent to a garden, a woman appeared and started giving me a tirade of abuse for driving the lane as i was spoiling it for other users. There clearly hadn't been any users of the lane for some time as it was so overgrown. I pointed this out to the woman and the fact that by us driving it, we were in effect keeping it open. She was having none of it, said I shouldn't drive anywhere apart from the area immediately around where I live. How ridiculous. I refused to talk to her any more. Some people will never change their views no matter how strong the argument.
100% agree spyderman, some people will never see our point ! i have many scratches on my motor due to overgrown lanes and by driving them we help keep them open but this certain rambler had very good knowledge of everything the herts laners had been doing by watching the forum and was so cocky ' that it would help them have the lanes to themselves ' ( his words !! ) to which i replied we all have a legal right to use them . but he had a valid point as to the pics he was talking about !
re fly tipping if its the lane off the 505 outside hitchin its always being used as a dump give herts concil a ring and in all fairness they are normally quick in clearing it !
:wtf: Look at this ****! I leave you all for a few weeks and this happens. We're all a bunch of ****ers you all know it so we're all on level playing field!! Unless . . . well . . . ooh look a butterfly. :hippie:

WALES by the way. :rolly: (Just in case, that's for a little bit of fun) :D

You know I love you all. :lvgay-098:
We also show respect for other users by slowing down, or stopping if necessary and by being polite towards all we meet. My experience is that groups are split where it is appropriate and that if a lane is not suitable for a, or any, 4X4 it is not attempted. Yes, there are groups out there who give green laners a bad name. The fact of the matter is that we are not such a group and I for one, distance myself from anyone who a) deliberately goes out to destroy lanes or b) wants to take the remaining 2% away from another group who is more than prepared to share.

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