Am I going mad? Didn't you get a 109 last week?

lol no your not goin mad. i got the 109 from my dad but there wasnt much success there. then this disco opppertunity came up and i thought i would jump on it. probs gona use it as a runaround at hertford hills for now. anyone ever been there?
where's hertford hills? An the first one to say hertford gets a kick in the goolies:bolt:
where's hertford hills? An the first one to say hertford gets a kick in the goolies:bolt:
well the hertford hills that i know is near hatfield. its an 'unowned' piece of land that some people have set up some off roady bits on. just drive into it via green lane or over a mound next to the road and u go urself a free days off roading. apparenlty old bill have no quibbles about landys and dirt bikes bein over there, aparent from the 2 stroke noise late at nite in the summer. probs bout a square mile of fun and games to be had, kept me occupied for bout 5 hours over the weekend. ill try and find a map if anyones interested...
well the hertford hills that i know is near hatfield. its an 'unowned' piece of land that some people have set up some off roady bits on. just drive into it via green lane or over a mound next to the road and u go urself a free days off roading. apparenlty old bill have no quibbles about landys and dirt bikes bein over there, aparent from the 2 stroke noise late at nite in the summer. probs bout a square mile of fun and games to be had, kept me occupied for bout 5 hours over the weekend. ill try and find a map if anyones interested...

Interested but curious about the "unowned" status. Are you sure its legal?
I also went along with kris ,we had a few ramblers recording us,,:mad:

had a great time though

when are you guys coming down south??

bye the way, im the chap in the red "vitara" those that came to surrey will know..

Hi Mark, good to see you on the forum.
is it not called no mans land? If so the old bill can throw you off as i was when i learned to ride a crosser over there with my bro when i was 13
im not sure what its called to be honest. there is no signage that i have seen. i know a couple of guys who are over there nearly most weekends for a good few years and never had any problems with old bill.
even so if it were a problem surely if they asked you to leave and u promplty did so there would be no problem?

off topic, good/specialist insurance companies for insuring a disco for a young driver?
adrian flux was good for me for modified but if your not worried about no claims bonus try peter best.

Anyone up 4 some jate night lanes tomorrow night on the way home from the sub meet? Or shall i bring the Van? Jai
adrian flux was good for me for modified but if your not worried about no claims bonus try peter best.

Anyone up 4 some jate night lanes tomorrow night on the way home from the sub meet? Or shall i bring the Van? Jai

Sub meet? you meeting at subway?:speakenglish: lol
well the hertford hills that i know is near hatfield. its an 'unowned' piece of land that some people have set up some off roady bits on. just drive into it via green lane or over a mound next to the road and u go urself a free days off roading. apparenlty old bill have no quibbles about landys and dirt bikes bein over there, aparent from the 2 stroke noise late at nite in the summer. probs bout a square mile of fun and games to be had, kept me occupied for bout 5 hours over the weekend. ill try and find a map if anyones interested...

is it up the top of sele farm estate? on the way to welyn garden city on the right hand side? just past the flats? if so its hertford county council ground and old bill do have a problem with people being on there and its due to be one of their clamp downs in the new year! i wouldnt wanna get caught on there!

:confused: i werent takin the P - i just googled wot yu asked and those were the answers i got. Obviously not on the same wavelength :rolleyes:.
Allright for some!

We are taking the boys to lapland UK today down in Kent. Theyve got real snow (machine made) but not -28.

Would love to take the disco in the snow in Europe somewhere for a week :D

was it better than the one in hampshire? sounds like it got really bad reviews that one.:deadhorse:

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