Well now,

While you guys were out gallivanting around, Kai and I set about preparing the motor to be reintroduced to its transfer box. (Well technically only some of the box since part of it is Jai's but you get the idea!)

Also had to recon the handbrake a little, just a bit of lubrication, strip out clean, lube and replace.
As you can see the unit is in a crap state, covered with all manner of crud and this is stopping the floating components from moving freely.

An Ideal job for the boy then!

Taking it all apart carefully and spraying the whole lot with pressurised petrol, we were suddenly thankful that none of our friends that smoked were in the garden at that moment!

Soak in petrol then scrub,scrub,scrub... get it clean boy!

He actually made a half decent job it too!

He managed to get the xfer box face from this

to this


with a lot of elbow grease and a small blade!


I think he did ok today. Tomorrow is reattachment time!

Cheers all

Just a little indulgence on my part:D
THe one next to the great pub. When you had the Shogun, deep ruts with a field on one side and woods on the other. It's where the V8 Series I was stuck too.

That was only a short stay.... I was out in less than 20 minutes as I recall!
looks like you are going through that waer dip in the opposite direction to normal... that must have been a really tight left turn!:jaw:
That looked like a good day out.

I have had the day from HELL

My alarm/immobiliser decided to go tits up on me last night after spending all day fitting my winch and bumper:mad:

Bloody thing wouldnt turn off with the fob. Tried all the reset malarky and gave in at around 9pm.

Went back to it this morning and tried several times to enter the key code but the idiot thing was'nt playing my game. Phoned a friend who has done the LR course and he guided me thru tricking the alarm to work from the key only.

It started:D

I turned it off, shut the door and when I opened it again all hell let loose:puke: :puke:

After much merriment and cursing I found a dry joint in the fob which is now wearing new solder and it bloody well works :high5:

24 hours of fooking around for a 2 minute fix.

looks like you are going through that waer dip in the opposite direction to normal... that must have been a really tight left turn!:jaw:

I bet it was a bit hairy by the stream further back that has the trees sticking out!
Its bad enuf going the other way but at least you can see the side:eek:
I bet it was a bit hairy by the stream further back that has the trees sticking out!
Its bad enuf going the other way but at least you can see the side:eek:
It was kind of tight, I did say on the CB, please nobody fall into the ditch.
The left turn took a couple of shunts and is mighty close to hitting the rock wall on the left. It all felt very new, as I hadn't been there for ages and the lanes change all of the time. Found one I hadn't done before, was pretty good.
Furneux was pretty deep, over my bonnet in 3 places.:eek: Phil needed scuba gear.:D
DB, no worries on the Ali sheet. The guys want the engine hoist back fairly soon though, hope you're finished with it.
Must get up and clear away all of the old wheels and engine from your place too.
DB, no worries on the Ali sheet. The guys want the engine hoist back fairly soon though, hope you're finished with it.
Must get up and clear away all of the old wheels and engine from your place too.

I best hold onto hoist for a week then till I am off next so we can lift that engine into something....................:tea:

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