dunno see what people think

Somwhere near our old pub meet place would be good pub not far from the M25 nr st Albans bit too far around tho but i guess somwhere Watford or somwhere middlish
we need another centralish LZ Meet that way everyone can swap bits chat etc. Carpy did a great job last time but think he is nearer sheep land now days.

If it can be near a major route heading down sarf then I'll be there :)-

not swapping any of my bits, I'm quite attached to them :D
Managed to shoehorn a P38 diff center and Ashcroft ring and pinion set into a rover diff housing! Need to get some more bits so I can set it up properly but I now know how to do it I can get a strong setup for not too much money! Step 2 is convert a 90 axle to leafs!
Fookinell Rach has asked when she can drive the offroader? Think i'll be needing those HD shafts afterall! She has a tendancy to put motors in Ditches! Hopefully she will be able to drive this mota out again instead of writing it off!
Ok I know this is kinda last minute, but does anyone have a small trailer I could borrow tomorrow for 3 or 4 weeks? I am going to stay in Newcastle tomorrow night on my way to Skye and I have just found out CharlesY has the ropes ready to collect! He reckons I will need a trailer for the whole lot (100 ropes) so if anyone can lend me one to take to Edinburgh, leave with him and then bring back 3 weeks later it would be great!! (and the ropes would only be £1 each because there will be no postage cost!)

I think Jai posted somewhere that he was coming to cambs tomorrow morning... can anyone let him tow one to me? I will be leaving some time in the afternoon. I don't really want to go south to Luton area before I start north but it might be worth it if there is no other way...

Cheers, Jack
jack i'm leaving for Cambs in a moment and in me works car with no tow hitch.

Er 100 ropes if you get them for 1 quid i'll have 20 i know spitfiremk1uk was after some aswell. Maybe you could lay them in the 110 or look for a cheap second hand 30 50 quid trailer with spare tyre nearer Scotland and get your money back by charging 1.50'each?

^^ lol very true thought they had been used and abused by now!!

You may need a bigger trailer jack as you won't have room for the long weight!!
Diesel it should be ok I think, I will hopefully be able to stop by at CharlesYs on the way up and we can see if there will be enough room. Can't imagine we wont have since I have my roof rack too.. Will be in touch though if needed, Cheers

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