
You can use my torque wrench if you want.

Cheers Brett,

I need to get another one any how be nice to be lockered up again.

Then ideas on front diff lock comes up: Kaiser looks great but not cheap and will need HD shafts aswelll because no 24 spline shafts with decent std cv's so will have to wait a few months!
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Found this amusing today... childish perhaps but when he did it it appealed to my sense of humour!

Looks like you had a productive day Chris,

I managed to get my detroit in, all ready to go except oil all works as it should when jacking it up so all good.

I have half made a storage locker for the side of the 90 I saw it as a wasted space and a perfect place for my winch bag and some tools. Will upload pics when finished.
jealousy aye! I'm jelous of you Jack I'd love to be somwhere in the countryside chillin' in the Landy!

There is talk of Wales End of Oct I'm not saying I'm going 100% until I know for sure but I'll put it on the table if anyone else is interested it might be a laugh.
Hi, are any of you going laning before there closed again round bedfordshire.did that tight lane spyderman did today.be nice to meet sometime
Hey Ferrar,

I'd be up for an evenings laning one evening I know I'mknackared until Wednesday this week tho. I want to make sure my rear diff lock is all up to scratch before Sunday.
Bit cheeky I know but anyone got a cheap Disco1 300Tdi front steering arm knocking about they want shot of for a drink? Need to take my HD one off before it gets carted off abroad on fri ;)
well now... this weekend has been a busy one. We have finally got working on the motor and I took the liberty of taking a few photos...

To start with Kai decided to finish dropping the transfer box out. He rigged up a pulley system (Jai might be able to lift it in one hand but Kai is littler!)


It seemed only sensible to go the whole hog since we have a leak on the rear oil seal so out came the gearbox anorl


The inside of the bell housing told its own sorry story!


so it was out with the clutch and plate:

and finally the result of a bad clutch I think... seriously though this one does seem past it's sell by date!


so that was our weekend!

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