Lucky Escape:
[nomedia=""]EUROTRIAL SEDLČANY 2011 - BOROS CSABA - YouTube[/nomedia]
The hole I cut in the trees to get stretcher access.


So that's how crop circles are made.



Video, my first one with this camera. Click to play.

Interesting day out, well done everyone for doing their bit to help out. Booger has given your £20 pounds to me Bret, Will bring it to the next pub meet mate, will catch up with everyone soon, CHEERS.
We were trundling down a byway when we were passed going the other way by a group of motor bikers, a few minutes later one of them rode back to find us. One of them had fallen off, hit a hole and gone over the handlebars. he was complaining of lower back pain and leg.
Called 999, they sent a rapid response car with a paramedic. I had to find him. eventually I caught up with him, his car couldn't go any further, so I transferred him and all of his kit into the Landy and took him to the casualty.
I was a narrow tree lined lane with pretty deep mud holes, no chance of getting an ambulance to him. Fortunately there was a wheat field next to the lane, so he called in the air ambulance, I'd given him the exact GPS location, so hopefully they'd find us, as you couldn't see us for the trees.

Stood in the field so the helicopter could see us and he landed OK.

While they were attending to the guy, putting him on the spinal board, I got the kit out, bowsaw & machette and cleared a path through the trees for the stretcher.

I'd noticed whilst collecting the paramedic that the charge light on and temperature rising, I'd lost my alternator belt, so no water pump or alternator. I tried a running repair with a bungy cord, but it only lasted about 2 minutes. Booger went off to halfrauds to try and get one, but no luck.

Off he went, got back in the Landy with the paramedic to take him back to his car, but mine was getting seriously hot so Kris got him to his car, then I parked up back on tarmac after unloading his kit to be left at a farm with his broken bike and called the RAC for recovery.

At least I saved the fuel for the return journey home. I'm sure the guy will be fine, once he's been sorted out, at least that's what the Doctor said.
Dutch Mountain Rescue

well done spyder and kris .... times like these... laners aint all bad. ;) :D
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Anyone got Kack's number? If so drop me a PM with it.... I had it on the last phone but not on this one!
Spending more money today.
After years without a proper camera and relying on compacts, albeit pretty decent ones, I've shelled out and bought my first DSLR.
I had a Canon SLR about 10 years ago and loved it, so went Canon again, although it was a close one with getting a Nikon, I preferred the feel of that slightly.

Anyway, I've now got a Canon D60 with a 18-200 lens. Been reading the instructions all night and I'm sort of getting the hang of it, I must ask Jack for a few tips.

Came with £150 to go towards a Canon camera course so I think that could be a good idea to get the best from it.

I've now padlocked my wallet.:eek:
Nice one Brett its pictures and videos will blow those of your HX5 away (whether you're standing under a helicopter or not). And that 18-200 will be nice for laning, where its a pain to change lens all the time getting dirt inside your camera. I've never been to experience seminars but they look like theyre good and only up in huntingdon :p If you want to try out a lens or something let me know.

Not been on for a while, you guys have been busy. Sounds like you had quite an adventure, well done. As ever, right kit, right attitude = job done.
Spending more money today.
After years without a proper camera and relying on compacts, albeit pretty decent ones, I've shelled out and bought my first DSLR.
I had a Canon SLR about 10 years ago and loved it, so went Canon again, although it was a close one with getting a Nikon, I preferred the feel of that slightly.

Anyway, I've now got a Canon D60 with a 18-200 lens. Been reading the instructions all night and I'm sort of getting the hang of it, I must ask Jack for a few tips.

Came with £150 to go towards a Canon camera course so I think that could be a good idea to get the best from it.

I've now padlocked my wallet.:eek:

A good book is always an idea, when I got my first DSLR I got this...

[ame=]Mastering Your Digital SLR revised edition : How to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera: Chris Weston: Books[/ame]

I would give it to you, but I already gave it to a pretty girl :rolleyes: Books are cool cause you can referring back to them, it's easy to forget stuff you learn on a course... I suppose you could just keep phoning Jack up...

and whoose Kack ? :D
Thanks Booger I'll get that.

I hope Pintsize posts the video with sound of the helicopter landing, she was squealing like a little girl.:D

I didn't do everything, thanks go out to Kris for taking the paramedic the final bit back to his car, for trying to effect an emergency repair on mine and to Booger for slapping off to Halfrauds to try and get me a new belt.
And I pumped up the ambulancemans tyre, or rather my compressor did… and no that’s not a euphuism for anything... :D

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