Come alone and I'll show you. Not sure how long we'll be out as people are coming a long way. Till we get bored or stuck I suppose.

Wouldnt be out early today as going to brackley motorbike festival.i will come along one day.cheers for the invite
Only got half the convo I just got out the cinema and was in a restrant. Spyderman was being RAC'd home fan belt broke I think he said.
Oh well just have to wait till he gets back on here then I guess.... sorry for the MTB but glad it was not one of our lot!
BTW Anyone got an old phone that will work on O2...only need to use it for a matter of minutes while I enable an O2 sim for a tracking unit.. my one has gone south!

Oh that explains it :eek::D Is the astra still for sale? I may have found another car but I'm not sure.
We were trundling down a byway when we were passed going the other way by a group of motor bikers, a few minutes later one of them rode back to find us. One of them had fallen off, hit a hole and gone over the handlebars. he was complaining of lower back pain and leg.
Called 999, they sent a rapid response car with a paramedic. I had to find him. eventually I caught up with him, his car couldn't go any further, so I transferred him and all of his kit into the Landy and took him to the casualty.
I was a narrow tree lined lane with pretty deep mud holes, no chance of getting an ambulance to him. Fortunately there was a wheat field next to the lane, so he called in the air ambulance, I'd given him the exact GPS location, so hopefully they'd find us, as you couldn't see us for the trees.

Stood in the field so the helicopter could see us and he landed OK.

While they were attending to the guy, putting him on the spinal board, I got the kit out, bowsaw & machette and cleared a path through the trees for the stretcher.

I'd noticed whilst collecting the paramedic that the charge light on and temperature rising, I'd lost my alternator belt, so no water pump or alternator. I tried a running repair with a bungy cord, but it only lasted about 2 minutes. Booger went off to halfrauds to try and get one, but no luck.

Off he went, got back in the Landy with the paramedic to take him back to his car, but mine was getting seriously hot so Kris got him to his car, then I parked up back on tarmac after unloading his kit to be left at a farm with his broken bike and called the RAC for recovery.

At least I saved the fuel for the return journey home. I'm sure the guy will be fine, once he's been sorted out, at least that's what the Doctor said.
Dutch Mountain Rescue
Thanks Guys, for a most eventfull day out. I'm now back in my peaceful and simple life by the seaside.... Think I'll give you bastards you a clear berth for a few weeks... :D

Spydee I gave your 20 squids to Chris, and the paramedic wanted your phone number, said you were a hunk, not sure what he means :rolleyes:

I guess you'll be having a little spend up too. New snorkel and air horns required.




Kris, Needs a now CB aerial mount after ripping his one off.

All that and we still didn't do the lane we went out to do.

Return visit required.

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