Got a call from a Gibbo Phil on the way home, to say that he was stuck on the hill down from the Clappers at Sharpenhoe, 2 cars and a transit tipper had crashed and he couldn't reverse back up the hill as it was too snowy and icy. Got home and got the Landy out, meanwhile he'd called again to say that the Police were now in attendance and had closed the road. International Rescue on route.
Got there, found the Police car also stuck, then a Police Slitty 4x4 turned up, he went off to deal with the easy crash at the bottom of the hill as there were children in the car.
Left me the rest to sort out, first pulled the Police car backwards up the hill out of the way so I could get to the accident. Transit was imbedded in a snow bank with an Insignia crashed into the back of it. It was like glass, really tricky just to stand up even.
Pulled the Insignia back up the hill, the front end was very badly smashed up.
Decided to lower the transit down the hill, using me to do all of its braking, the driver was very shaken, so my mate steered it for him.

End result, everybody got home, I got a bottle of Glenfiddich and a letter of commendation coming from the Police.:cool::D:D:D

I was not stuck i just couldnt move backwards so carried on down the hill to the pub as it was works xmas do (and free beer till 7 so couldnt stay longer)
well before ringing brett to sort that problem out i came across a gaylander blocking a road where the women had put it on its side after trying to miss an oncoming gaylander.
So me an my mate (in a lessor 4x4) hocked up the roaps and put it back on the wheels for her. she was very gratefull and tried to give us both £20 each but we told her to put it away as we felt sorry for her



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It would have been impossible without winter tyres, the Police slitty 4x4 had BFG A/Ts, not bad tyres by any means, but he could only move himself, he didn't have enough extra traction to tow anything that's for sure. Road was hardpack snow, polished like glass.
My winters just kept digging into the suface until they found traction, don't think the coppers had ever seen anything like it, they were tearing the snow surface to peices.

I'll probably go about 10

Sent you a text.

Sounds like you did a great job tonight, i hope nobody was hurt too bad. If you ever need an extra pair of hands nearer royston /cambridge i should only be a phone call away... Im sure you will enjoy that bottle you were given :D:D

Sounds like you guys had an exciting evening; glad you got it all sorted.

Anyway, I'm off up to North Wales later today so Happy Christmas all, stay safe catch yers later.
Well Done Guys,

Sounds like you had lots of fun! and helped out the local Plod all which was cool.

I'm gonna be at Jansel house Luton end of the A505 roundabout as you come into Luton from Hitchen in the Petrol station approx 8.30am will stay there for 15 mins til 8.45am tomorrow morning if anyone wants to come out laning just a couple of local gentle lanes in and around Hitchen. I'll be out having some fun on my own or with anyone that wishes to join just to test my memory map and take some photos

Well Done Guys,

Sounds like you had lots of fun! and helped out the local Plod all which was cool.

I'm gonna be at Jansel house Luton end of the A505 roundabout as you come into Luton from Hitchen in the Petrol station approx 8.30am will stay there for 15 mins til 8.45am tomorrow morning if anyone wants to come out laning just a couple of local gentle lanes in and around Hitchen. I'll be out having some fun on my own or with anyone that wishes to join just to test my memory map and take some photos


Would love to come but that is a tad early for me :D:D with relatives too sorry. :D:D I still havent fitted a front recovery point but if you are going again some time i will happily join you as a passenger. Would love to get some pictures of landies in action :):)

Have a great xmas everyone!
Ah Cheers Chris, I was hoping to get my MM to stay on the PDA when it dies not found a way of doing it yet. Tom Tom does however so there must be a way. Being lazy aswell got presents to wrap and can't be arsed to play with MM tonight lol!
On a more positive productive note I have recieved my battery box fuel pump and some lecky bits for the comp motor just need some warmer weather to get stuck in!
merry christmas everyone.

hope everyones doing ok.

jai - i've started the full rebuild of my disco to a trialer/space frame (whitebread) for events and just wondered if theres any info you could give me with regards to vehicle regulations.

atb lee
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Merry Christmas to everyone. Been a bit out of touch with things, had a lot down the workshop over the last few months, hope to catch up in the New Year.

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