Sible if your about over xmas I'll be out MOT pending might go for a trundle xmas day as Rach is working and the family thing is in the afternoon
Well, looks like I've missed the wost of the snow again, we only got a dusting here. Cambridge was good fun in the car though. :D:D couple of inches on the roads there.
MOT'd and legal, Just need to sort a few niggles and I'm good for a few local ones around xmas

Ah, Nice one! Crimbo lanes it is then. Need to sort my clutch first though.:doh:

Just come home from the misseses and its hoofing it down with snow. (Cambridge) But it stops from about Bar Hill onwards.

Its Bloody missing me again!
Ah, Nice one! Crimbo lanes it is then. Need to sort my clutch first though.:doh:

Just come home from the misseses and its hoofing it down with snow. (Cambridge) But it stops from about Bar Hill onwards.

Its Bloody missing me again!

Not sure which Cambridge you're talking about there ! haha the Cambridge near me has a tiny bit of snow :p:p
We finally have a half decent amount of snow (about 3-4inches) here just south of cambridge but the landy is not out playing in it but is looking sad in the driveway with only 1 headlight and no indicators or sidelights :(

I ordered replacements online on thursday and paid extra for a 24hr delivery so you might think they would come by monday at the latest... They called me to say they didnt have the items in stock and that id receive the items on monday after they got hold of them. Nothing comes on monday tues weds all of this time i am getting lifts into work as i live 10 miles away... I ran out of patience and called them up today to complain and they said they havent received the delivery and they would call me back very soon to tell me what date to expect the items. A couple hours later i phone them up after they havent rung me back... 'sorry we were a bit busy earlier, we are expecting the delivery on the 4th january because we are closing for xmas and the new year'

Great!!! Now i cant use the landy until well into the new year!! how am i going to get to work and back all of this time !! Does anyone have any spare indicators or sidelights?? Any ideas on what i should do?!

jack ring autoland houghton regis pay for the items and ask Bill if Jai with the camel 90 can pick them up. Unfortunaly it may have to be tomorrow night unless he can leave them in a bag outside his workshop for me to collect when passing. Alternativly I can collect them friday morning at 7.50 as long as its in out on my way to work He has them on the shelf cheap.
I've got spare indicators/sidelights, I'm at home tonight then leaving in the morning to go to Devon till Tuesday. You're welcome to them.
Thanks for the offers of help guys

Brett what time are you leaving tomorrow for Devon ? Would it be possible to catch you before you leave?

Jai, looks like im a bit late today, but i might take up your offer later if its ok

Again thanks for your help guys !
Got a call from a Gibbo Phil on the way home, to say that he was stuck on the hill down from the Clappers at Sharpenhoe, 2 cars and a transit tipper had crashed and he couldn't reverse back up the hill as it was too snowy and icy. Got home and got the Landy out, meanwhile he'd called again to say that the Police were now in attendance and had closed the road. International Rescue on route.
Got there, found the Police car also stuck, then a Police Slitty 4x4 turned up, he went off to deal with the easy crash at the bottom of the hill as there were children in the car.
Left me the rest to sort out, first pulled the Police car backwards up the hill out of the way so I could get to the accident. Transit was imbedded in a snow bank with an Insignia crashed into the back of it. It was like glass, really tricky just to stand up even.
Pulled the Insignia back up the hill, the front end was very badly smashed up.
Decided to lower the transit down the hill, using me to do all of its braking, the driver was very shaken, so my mate steered it for him.

End result, everybody got home, I got a bottle of Glenfiddich and a letter of commendation coming from the Police.:cool::D:D:D

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