Hi Lee,
you need to decide what rules and what comps you wanna do. i'd suggest building an 88inch comp motor that way you can take part in all comps and if you build to the strictest regs then you can do them all.

If you click on my signature or goto anglianlrc.com click on links and then association of land rover clubs regulations and all the regs are there to see. Roll cage design and material spec is very specific and needs to be adheared to. If you get an LR x member and out riggers then you could end up with a decent motor
Merry Christmas all.
This year I have requested from Santa;
Another pi$$ing UJ
An alternator that charges 100% of the time, rather than 30%

Unfortunately, my disco left it a bit late and only started playing up yesterday, so have missed out this Christmas. Looks like I will have to sort it out myself when the shops re-open.

Baah humbug!! :)
My alternator is showing the early signs of packing up as well. Don't make the mistake of buying a brit part one, slightest hint of water and they give up.
Had an issue with my headlights last week seems I need to rewire the switch to my dash. just come back from xmas family followed by spitfiremk1uk as my lights were not great. Just had a look to find a nice strip of steel wedged in the back of my fusebox seems to have become dislodged and found its way through the headlight insulation and melted me wire. Doh! Anyways at least I found it now I can deal with it.
Well, I hope all had a Good Christmas.

I gots a split charge kit from the rents, Fitting to be done in slightly better weather, along with a list of other things that need doing.

Also Treated meself to a CoolBox fridge thingmabob, and a Twin Burner stove with Grill. So sorted for camping trips next year, So bring on 2011 and lets hope we can all get a few good trips organised.
Sible truck cabs are expensive at the best of times. I'm on the look out for a dead cheap rolled or dented to fook one for my motor for next years nationals.
Beaker loads of kit Sound although your motor is gonna be pretty sorted for next year Cool

It'll be sorted on that kinda thng, Still have some mechanical issues to sort, Thinking of getting the winch overhalled too. Thinking of attempting to bodge together an awning.

And more time at home and in the country would be a bonus so I can get out more next year.

Hows your Motor coming on Jai? Are you able to do more than 45mph and 5mpg. :rolleyes:
It'll be sorted on that kinda thng, Still have some mechanical issues to sort, Thinking of getting the winch overhalled too. Thinking of attempting to bodge together an awning.

And more time at home and in the country would be a bonus so I can get out more next year.

Hows your Motor coming on Jai? Are you able to do more than 45mph and 5mpg. :rolleyes:

Not yet having major issues I NEED to tomtom my actual speed to get a better idea. From my and others maths it shouldn't be as slow as it is and I'm thinking that my tranny box is not what I assumed it was. So tranny box swap will be in order soon. I want to remove my seats and make better mounts. I have made some sound deadening to go over the seat box. I want to drive about with my phone/Db meter to confirm that what I add makes a difference to noise levels rarther than the usual yea thats better opossed to an actual proven result. Lots to do etc. I have my split charge bolted in just needs wiring up in conduit. I managed to get a decent power lead to stereo amp and inverter located behind seats which will be nice. I am being far more careful and may well not do be up for doing any silly stuff previously I was happy to throw my motor into. I.e deep water/4 foot of gloop until I have it as I want it and have done somthing with it in Europe.
On the awning front I'd be happy to help build a couple of awnings. A small one for the 90 and a longer one for your 110 to go from the side of the motors. I acyuallt have some vearings that would be pretty sweet for the job although currently located in Tring as I left them at work! Doh!
P.s Got a nice solar panel for my secondart battery to trifckle charge it when out and about for xmas

Ah, Im not sure how accurate my spedo is really. GPS reading will be better, You thinking your trannys a lower ratio than you thought?

I Shall have to come and have a look to see how you've done yours, Inverter sounds like a good idea. Thinking of ripping out all the current aux wiring and re doing it all so the switches are in sensable places for where and when i need them, also need to get a light to go in the roof tent as i gets bloody dark in there.

I'm not going to do any pay and plays, lanes and touring from now on. keep her running sweet once she gets there.

The Other half is wanting to come on a few trips with us this year too, need to get her some sensable outdoorsey type clothes and shoes first :doh:
Lol Yea Rach hates coming Landying I think its down to not enjoying being outside in the yellow landy, not ever having decent camping stuff and being comfirtable. I'm trying to get her into it but I think I'm ****ing in the wind!

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