Yeah if you could PM me your details we can sort something out!!

And jai as said before it will NOT be for looks it will be for emergencies, not for some nob to drill and wack with a hammer!!
i'm not sayin cds is crap it does the job nicly but when it comes to being tough and taking hits blueband all the way. I don't wannt be sent home from a comp cos my cage bent
lol then you want bling opposed to a roll cage.

I agree do your research come to ANY comp in fact there is one next month at roundhill woods. Talk to the cheif scruteneer alrc I will introduce you to him a long tanding family friend, Incidently he has to pass your cage or another approved scruteneer before you can compete locally in any msa comp run under the regs,

don't take my word for it ask him!

I wouldn't have said bling at all, look at SD why would that make such cages and be renowned for their quality and strength if they where shi* or just bling? I think we may be taking this slightly personal but hey ho :)

Blue/Red band is a lower carbon steel and thus softer, so if both cages are the same thickness etc the cds will be tougher and lighter. I don’t think the sound of the metal makes any different to its strength. I’m 99% sure most of the trucks you see in the ring at billing etc are all cds cages.

Arguments aside does the MSA allow seamed tube? Thought that might be useful to spider etc if he is thinking of making his own!!
Why didn't you go for T45 then?

T45 is used mainly as its super lightweight and more in the competition motorsport, rallying etc.

I had a T45 cage in my rally car however every kg counts in one of those.
Would be wasted on a defender in my opinion that said I do know someone who has a T45 cage fitted to his defender but he does Dakar type stuff abroad. And it now looks nothing like a normal defender.
Actually the army rally team in the BTRDA use T45 cages in there defenders which they rally.
Other than that, few and far between I think.
sible there is a comp next month. The cheif scruteneer for arc will be there he is a good guy he will most likley be the one log booking a cage for competition in this area. Talk to him. Afterall his signature depends on weather or not most guys are allowed to compete.
I've found the ultimate solution to a roll cage, this one is fully portable so works in any vehicle.........:D

Ok sounds good I will speak to him and others!
But can I point out that I CAN'T afford one yet and like every1 says want to do my research and get the right one!
In other news,

HD steering arms or Steering guard?

Jai said HD arms to me the other day but I was looking around and the majority have guards on so...?
HD Arms and get yourself some Jate Rings fitted. I don't like steering guards, they reduce ground clearance, act like a plough in reverse also.
Diff Guards are cheap, easy to fit and worthwhile too.
I would rather a plough than to bend/snap a arm as you cannot drive when bent or snapped do get a guard lol

Just my personal choice:)
HD Arms and get yourself some Jate Rings fitted. I don't like steering guards, they reduce ground clearance, act like a plough in reverse also.
Diff Guards are cheap, easy to fit and worthwhile too.

Got the diff guards on the sunday we went laining but didnt have time to fit.
How many times have youu bent your std steering rods???

I admit me every time out doing a comp. I have bent several track rods and my drag rod which stopped me dead against a concrete bollard hidden at the bottom of a steep climb BUT how many have stopped me from getting home? 0! Hell I still competed till the end of the day.

Since fitting hd arms no breakages no bending and we have done the nationals, done several other comps and roundhill which none of us were too kind to our motors. P.s how does a steering guard help you from bending your track rod?????? It doesent and what bends the first time you rest your wheels over a bank and you sit on it? Track rod. Which can cause tyre wear of new tyres in an instant if not checked after every offroad/greenlane you do. Let alone handling issues.

my personal choice would be HD arms and on a disco a steering damper relocation kit to the front like defenders because its just asking to be knocked about there and by loosing the threaded adjuster you gain strength aswell by using a solid bar instead of 2 bits of tubing.

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