see i told you that this weekend you would break a shaft,

It got some stick as you know, the guy at Crown Diffs said the loads were halved between the shafts with the detroit, so as long as I really was being stupid I'd be better staying with original shafts. rather break a shaft than destroy the diff.
WOW calm down people it's only a roll cage that costs alot of money and saves your life!!
I am gonna have a chat to with the comp boys at the next event and see where they got there's from.
be warned Sible if they havent got a rear hoop and stays then it must have been accepted and approved by the msa by way of destructive testing the likes of saftey devices etc. Failure to comply with the msa it will not allow to to enter real comps Burnham isn't a real comp its a driveround with punch event.

There are plenty of bull**** motors out there plenty that look good but see how many have drop plates on the back of their "challenge trucks".
Having owned a blueband cage and brought from whitbread I would disagree entirely, cages are extremely heavy an are more of a hinderance. Maybe better in a comp only vehicle but certainly not when using it for other applications. My cage is Cds giving a higher yield strength to that of blueband at less than half the weight. The cages is built to RAC guidlines and meets all Of the MSA Blue book requirements. Even the nuts and bolts that hold the cage together must also comply to MSA of which they do.

I think it's worth pointing out Jai this is my personal experience and I have had both forms of cage to which I would recommend cds if the vehicle is used outside of being trailered to a comp.

Cds is a non seemed tube thus having a higher yield strength and not withstanding that it also less than half the weight of a full external cage formed from blueband thus aiding towards mpg and general handling of the vehicle on the road.

I dont believe safety devices make a cage from blueband or redband? That maybe wrong but when I was there I did not see any.

Once again my opinion having had both.


Out of interest Jai, my MSA book, page 155 156 states cage materials as cds only. I know blueband is approved by MSA I'm not questioning that at all but what's going on with the handbook? I have a mate who uses blueband on his comp truck and passes scrutineering everytime, just wondered why its not in there or maybe it is it just missed it lol
if you flick it its a thud sound its thick walled and takes knocks serious knocks. Cds does not havent got the book here with me but cds has been like many other things

Glenn cds sounds perfect as you don't intend on bouncing offtrees often likewise in a com safari motor you don't plan on rolling or hitting a tree BUT and its a big but if you do challenge events real ones and or ccv trials you often as in usually more than once end up on your roof and or bouncing off trees. Hell i did it at this fun event. All i say is one bad roll equals new cage vs toughness. Spec needs to exceed BS1387 minimum wall thickness of 3.2mm or 1/8 and a minimum outside dia of 48.3mm. Tensile strength should be between 320 - 416N/mm2 yeild strength has to be at least 195N/mm2.

Cds you can use 2.5mm wall thickness

this is minimum spec.

Having seen a few deformed cages and seen the face of a couple of competitors told to go home and rebuild their car before being allowed to play again. I'd personally take the mpg weight penalty over CDS
Can't see the weight affecting the MPG by alot???
And would rather be safe than sorry!!
And don't want to pay out twice!!

Not sure I will be entering serious events as it's my daily and don't want to replace all that stuff AGAIN!!!

I want something that will protect the outside (trees and stuff) and strong enough if I roll it.
spyderman no idea on material spec but if it exceeds minimum then i guess why prepared for a scruteneer to drill a hole in your fresh new cage and if its suspect expect them to get the sledge hammer out before he passes it!
What was the problem driving up this hill then? The tree root in the middle? Everyone says they were getting stuck on it at the back, which bit was getting stuck? Diff? Axle?

erar tyres spinning on tree root, other side slipping on step front giving no drive because one wheel was in the air front locker and better tyres at lower pressure shoulds got up it maybe shorter wheelbase etc
What was the problem driving up this hill then? The tree root in the middle? Everyone says they were getting stuck on it at the back, which bit was getting stuck? Diff? Axle?


We got to here before I had to get the winch out, horizontal tree root stopped me, plus the top was pretty steep and very slippery.

Gives an idea of how steep and slippery it was , spinning one front wheel only and that was with the winch pulling too.

You're not going to tell me you drove up it no problem are you?
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Well I think if you’re running a nice motor and not some beaten challenge truck cds is the way to go.

If you have the cash then I would 100% go cds, there is absolutely no difference in strength as depending on your cage both comply to current regulations etc and thus are of equal strength. Look at any decent tricked out 90 and you will be looking at either Performance and Protection or a Safety Devices cds cage.

Surely there's a reason why the likes of SD and PP don’t manufacture Blueband cages?

I brought a blueband cage as i couldn’t afford at the time to get a cds one, I have since changed cages and would never return to cds unless it was purely building a buggy type trial vehicle.
If you’re thinking about a cage I would defo do your research and I’m not talking online, get out and see some fitted to vehicles. Also worth giving the guys at Safety Devices and Performance and Protection a call and air your requirements etc.
I currently have 3 defenders one with a Whitbread Blueband cage and the other two with Cds, if you would like to come and have a look let me know and I will arrange a day when I’m free. The two cds cages are from the suppliers mentioned earlier PP and SD so there is a good range and a lot of monies worth haha.
Glenn I would love to have a look and get some ideas!!

And jai if some hits my truck with a sledge hammer, I WILL HIT HIM!!! Lol
lol then you want bling opposed to a roll cage.

I agree do your research come to ANY comp in fact there is one next month at roundhill woods. Talk to the cheif scruteneer alrc I will introduce you to him a long tanding family friend, Incidently he has to pass your cage or another approved scruteneer before you can compete locally in any msa comp run under the regs,

don't take my word for it ask him!
Glenn I would love to have a look and get some ideas!!

And jai if some hits my truck with a sledge hammer, I WILL HIT HIM!!! Lol

We will arrange something maybe this weekend. all three vehicles are 90's two are vans and the third a county station wagon. I can certainly show the PP and SD cages however the vehicle with the Whitbread cage is not currently at my house and that’s the cage ideally I would like to show you so you can compare the differences between the two.
lol then you want bling opposed to a roll cage.

I agree do your research come to ANY comp in fact there is one next month at roundhill woods. Talk to the cheif scruteneer alrc I will introduce you to him a long tanding family friend, Incidently he has to pass your cage or another approved scruteneer before you can compete locally in any msa comp run under the regs,

don't take my word for it ask him!

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