For the nostalgic or those wanting to know what type of lanes are in wales here is a video, first of many, I hope, of lanes I travelled back 1990-92 with the AWDC North Start pub meet guys.

Mines the 2a with no straight panels!

YouTube - AWDC Welsh Mud Hole._0002.wmv

Extracts from a video called, A dirty Weekend in West Wales.

By the by. There is a teacher, nurse and vet training collages in Aberystwyth. A target rich environment if ever there was one! And makes a great overnight stay.

What video editing software did you use for your videos Andy as i need to get on top of it as all the vids I seem to take last no longer than 30 seconds so would like to combine them into one long film?

Thanks mate

Hi Jamie.

I used the standard package that comes with windows vista.

Windows Movie Maker

Many tell me its crap etc but I find it to be the easiest and quickest way to make reasonable movies. Mine came free with my pc package.

The tricky part can be getting the raw footage onto the pc in the first place.

Allow yourself loads of time to start and then it will come quicker every time you make another one.

make sure you tell us the link to any movies you make!

Had a think about your starter problem - dodgey starter relay is a strong contender followed by a broken ignition switch. Hope my PM helps you out.

Just did a quick search in the Series section - solenoid and or ignition switch are definately favourite.
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I think you have a problem with the start button that was installed after your eng conversion. Its likley that its not rated high enough for the amount of amps drawn by the starter solonoid, causing it to weld the contacts closed. this being a ign switched live would explain when ever you switch your ign on the it would crank nd when the ign was off it stopped.

If the solonoid was faulty it would be constantly cranking key or no key. Been there done that fitted a cut out!

If it is indeed wired so that the push to make aftermarket cranking switch is the ONLY feed to the starter solonoid from a ignition live then you have 2 areas to look at. 1. The cranking switch has to have been stuck in the ON state or 2. Your looking for another switched ign short after the cranking switch. My money is on a non rated cranking switch thats welded itself together temporarily. If it was another switched ign live the ammount of current dawn is massive and would have plenty of smoke if any of the low rated wiring was to have been shorted to the solonoid after the cranking switch. Plenty of smoke!

Hope this helps
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Jai, Kev,
Thanks for your thoughts, I'll have a look when it's light in the morning, but as you know electrics is the work of the devil as far as I'm concerned. I'll have a go, hope I don't blow myself up.
Another video from my AWDC days.

Green lane trip to North Yorkshire moors. Seriously reduced from nearlly 2 hours down to the 10 minutes.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - AWDC North Yorkshire Moors. 1990[/nomedia]

Andy have you got the video of a certain blue suzuki hybrid roll over? I have added the owner /builder to my face book and linked your vids so he can see them
Why did I spend all day laying on my back in the freezing cold changing all of the oils, radiator hose, anti-freeze, etc, to then find out that the ****ing thing doesn't work, poxy electrics I hate them.

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