Carefull who ever put it there dont start hollering about criminal damage!:eek:

You got your wires crossed mate :eek:

Totally agree about this concrete block tho. If it has been put there by the council they may have also put an emergancy TRO on the lane. Just because there is no sign don't assume a thing ! Best for all involved to speak to the rights of way officer at the council and confirm because criminal proceedings can and will be taken. PLEASE don't give anybody any ammunition against us :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Kris 300TDI
Hi mate had a look at the metal and think i've got what i need to do the job, just let me know the size when you can.

Carefull who ever put it there dont start hollering about criminal damage!:eek:

Wires crossed, the Metal that Kris is talking about is to make a box for the back door of my Series to hold my recovery equipment.
The concrete block is a different issue, move it, but don't destroy it, but better still as I've already said, contact the rights of way officer at the Council.
Originally Posted by Kris 300TDI

Wires crossed, the Metal that Kris is talking about is to make a box for the back door of my Series to hold my recovery equipment.
The concrete block is a different issue, move it, but don't destroy it, but better still as I've already said, contact the rights of way officer at the Council.
confusion reigns! ithink i meant to quote
Just had a thought, dont know if it will help but I have got a 110V/220V generator - Could try cutting bits off to make it smaller but the disc cutter I have is not big enough and was thinking could drill a bit of concrete away to get to a reinforcement rods where we could atatch the winch. Anyone else got any ideas?
Update on my Engine. Pulled the old lump out with DB tonight, Lots of fore/aft play in crank, bellhousing had about a pint of oil in it. :eek: Engine is scrap.
Glenn has kindly sorted me a 2.5 N/A, which after a bit of a fettle will be the new propulsion for the Spydiemobile. Looking forward to no smoke and more power. You guys will never keep up.:p:D
Hey lets not get over excited here! we had a go at moving the block, not destroying it. Actually moved it some way before Glenn had a small issue with his winch. If the lane was TRO'd, I am advised that there would be obstructions at both ends, and/or notices. The wheel marks in the farmer's field would seem to indicate the use of his biggest most destructive tractor, and withit being front heavy for a while (presumably before dropping the damn block!)

The fact is that having driven the byway perfectly legally and without encountering any obstructions or signs, our hero encountered an obstruction that he was perfectly within his rights to remove, as long as he did not cause excessive or unnecessary damage to it. These laws were followed to the letter. These are the same laws that apply on a normal right of way, if you are driving down a normal road and it is blocked by an obstruction, youare within your rights to take any reasonable action to circumnavigate or remove the said obstruction.
Spoken to the concil about it?Theyd probley be more than happy to let you get on with it but I wouldnt get a breaker on it-just in case!
Update on my Engine. Pulled the old lump out with DB tonight, Lots of fore/aft play in crank, bellhousing had about a pint of oil in it. :eek: Engine is scrap.
Glenn has kindly sorted me a 2.5 N/A, which after a bit of a fettle will be the new propulsion for the Spydiemobile. Looking forward to no smoke and more power. You guys will never keep up.:p:D

Great news! Do you have a timescale in mind?
Just a point of view but it seem like the farmer put the block on the lane in a fraction of the time it has taken just to move it a little way and if anyone is able to push it to one side then ten minutes later it could be placed back again by the farmer, better to report it and let the farmer get a warning and told to remove the Block.
Kris, you may have a point, but proving that thefarer put it there would be an issue. I guess this was more of a point of principle than a practical solution. AND we didn't use any C4... honest!
But in saying that if the Hertfordshire authorities are anything like the Surrey ones for getting things done, you could grow old and die waiting to get it sorted that way. Other thing is if the block did get damaged while moving it, how will anyone lay claim to the block anyway, not like the owners put his name and address on it, Maybe he's got pictures, this is a picture of me and my concrete block on holiday in France.
I've still got this night drive on the Surrey lanes going on tomorrow, got a few of my friends coming from London and some of the Surrey cround. If anyone eles wants to come then your more than welcome.
I'm sorry Kris, I would love to be there but it looks like I have to choose between coming tomorrow and laning at the weekend. (money probs I am sure you understand). Amplanning to go to furneux pelham and do some lanes on the way back either fri night or sat afternoon. My kids will get a better kick out of afternoon than evening laning which is why my decision is looking like the weekend!

Am still wanting to do the weekend visit to your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks though. Hope you understand.

Have a great evening on Thurs though.

And PLS post the pics!
No worries mate, think everyone is strapped for cash at the moment. Sort something out once everyone's got on top of things.
Great news! Do you have a timescale in mind?
Really depends on how long the rebuild takes and if any mods are required to install the new engine, can't really tell until we've got the new engine. We're doing the shackles tonight and then have a look at what's needed to stop the tyres rubbing here and there. I'm taking the opportunity to sort it fully, have a box full of bits that need fitting.
Well what an interesting night, was a success in its own right the winch done well a lot better than expected. However it did lose drive, under closer inspection it seems poor maintenance on my behalf was at fault, the pin that holds the clutch gear on must have been lose and dropped out therefore the motor was turning a lose gear. New winch on order as of 5 mins ago and the old one I will mount on the rear.

I have spoken to the Hertfordshire Highways People at County Hall in Hertford who have confirmed this byway to be open to all traffic and that this obstruction would have been illegally placed. However they have given me a different number to order the removal of this bloke. I’m thinking one last go with a new winch :D
Maybe one for my winch when it's up and working. Shame we can't lift it and put it on the Farmer's doorstep.

lol yeah he would love that, and yeah a PTO would work well my one can pull upto 12ton so was just my bad maintenance however i may have a new one soon :D


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