
If Kai is really into castles look to North Wales, Caernarfon and Beaumaris (Anglesey). There are some goo lanes up there, and if you're into scenery and don't mind a bit of tarmac, you have Snowdon National Park then down a bit through Blaenau Ffestiniog to the area around Porthmadog is quite nice, Barmouth Bay is O.K. There is good laning to be had around Bala and Corwen.

I also understand there are some beaches that can be driven on the North West coast of Wales. However, it is a bit of a trek. I regularly go to North Wales and from here it is a 3 hour non-stop drive to St.Asaph, near as makes no difference 200 miles using motorways. Across country it would take longer.

Don't get me wrong, Wales is a fabulous place to go and I always have a great time there but you have to plan it and if you want to do all the best bits, its gonna take at least a couple of days and a bit of local knowledge is extremely useful and even better if you have someone along who speaks Welsh!

Would be happy to do a trip to Wales but can't commit right now.
Hi Chris, sounds like it would be a good trip, but it's the same for me as well, funds are a bit on the short side. Going to struggle to find the cash just to get up to Bedfordshire for a while, anyone up for coming down this way and i'll show you round the Surrey lanes.

Now thats doable in a day and I would be up for a bit of that:D
Hang on a sec... I'm talking about driving down... maybe camping the evening and driving the route the next morning. Admittedly its a long drive. I am not holidaying this year so it may be easier for me.

If none of our lot are up for it, maybe we'll try it late in the holidays and hook up with some locals for a day out.

Kai's really into castles and so on and there are plenty to keep him occupied, and the historic sites along the way should be good for a visit too.

Alright Chris,
i would definitely be up for it mate could go down on a friday then back either saturday night or sunday morning. cant do this month but anytime next month would be good. :D
good ady for billing today :-( hope you lot have an awesome day tomorrow i am really GUTTED i cant make it, maybe i'll end up catching a weird disease over night and not be able to work tomorrow??

Wales Now that sounds very good ,, i need to plan for that one ..

We go we cross the Border and then come back, Yeehaww and have ourselfs some fun in the process lol . See if we can find ourselfs a Red Dragon while we there ..:D Beth and me like the sound of that one and Castles wow lol

L :cool:
Hi Neil, any time your up for doing the Surrey lanes or anyone else, just let me know i only live about 20 minutes from the lanes and there's a good mix of terrain, most of the lanes go round or over large hills, with a few play areas and one hill that is a bit of a challenge, worth doing in both directions and requires you to plan your root up or down or you will turn over, seen it happen three times now. there 2 lanes that get a bit tight this time of year, but nothing damaging as long as your carefull, one of these roots is where the train robbers hid the money. Up for doing a day at a weekend or some night driving if anyone is interested.
Hi Neil, any time your up for doing the Surrey lanes or anyone else, just let me know i only live about 20 minutes from the lanes and there's a good mix of terrain, most of the lanes go round or over large hills, with a few play areas and one hill that is a bit of a challenge, worth doing in both directions and requires you to plan your root up or down or you will turn over, seen it happen three times now. there 2 lanes that get a bit tight this time of year, but nothing damaging as long as your carefull, one of these roots is where the train robbers hid the money. Up for doing a day at a weekend or some night driving if anyone is interested.

hello mate, i would be up for doing some lanes was thinking maybe me and neil and im sure chris (Ryder) would be up for it to maybe we could convoy down one weekend, what do you think guys.

Im selling my old wheels and tyres off the landy (MUD tyres Modula wheels), if any of you remember them. The fronts are nearly new backs are about 6 to 7 months old. Thought i would see if any of you guys wanted them before i properly put them up for sale on the open forum any questions just ask :D
Well Wales is looking like a real possibility... as the time draws closer we'll settle on a weekend. Brilliant.
Had a great day at Billing today, 3 times around the off-road course.
Bought a few goodies. Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow, with the bonus of 40 foot lane on the way home.

I'd be up for Surrey lanes, but I can't see me doing a Wales trip this year, purely on time constraints. I've got a few weekends work on the Series, to complete the recent mods.
hello mate, i would be up for doing some lanes was thinking maybe me and neil and im sure chris (Ryder) would be up for it to maybe we could convoy down one weekend, what do you think guys.

I would love to do it and would expect to be able to in 2 or 3 weeks time. Will confirm once I see the rosta for my new job. Would be well up for making it a late one aswell to take in a bit of night laning :D .

Could always stop on way home for tea aswell :cool:
They wouldn't let me go through the deep part of the mud run today, they said too many people were getting stuck. Looked really good, hopefully I can convince the Marshals tomorrow to let me have a go. The part they let us through was **** easy.
DB, there were a few Discos getting stuck and I overheard a few spectators saying "oh, it's a Series, he's bound to get stuck" :D:D:D
Ohhhhhhh the Blind and the Stupid lol . How they underestermate the Syderman ...

And what about metoo lol .. IM IN !

Where are we going?

see ya all tommorrow fellas ..

Well I just got in from my neice' birthday bbq, now in need of sleep. I will be up in the morning early. I think some of the marshalls at Billing are complete idiots (most are from a local club, where a so called mechanic tried to disqualify my twin battery mount because it only has 3x M8 fixings he thought 4 would have been more appropriate and banned me from taking part! lost my faith in the club dur to that IDIOT!)!! Plus the off road course is never going to be hard, its for the public and has to be ok for the shiny freelanders, I will go watch before driving it. I'm quite tight on money tomorrow so I may well end up buying some bits instead of the off road course. The site is amazing though I have competed in trials there many times but I bet they couldn't use half of it.

See you all in the morning,


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