is that on ya shogun chris?

Yep it sure is!

Well we started work on it today. Got everything off, the water pump is fubarred and the cam belt tensioner is too!

Seems that we can not get a whole tensioner, just the bearing kit soI have no idea how that's going to work cos I can not even see how the damn thing come4s apart. Maybe a job for a 20 tonne press coming up!

ecided to chnge the cam belt while we were down there so that's all ready to put on, just going outside to wash it all down!

Thanks for the hose Jai, sort you out next time you're over here. Bottom pulley is off and vehicle is a cam belt free zone!
Cool well done chris! Right somone said somtning about snow next week so i need to get my tyre sorted ASAP. (I think somone was winding me up TBH). Jai
good luck mate i did mine not an easy job i changed my cam belt as well as it was there needed help getting the timming sorted

any auto electricians around
Just been looking in the Off Roading forum and the P&P site at Aldermaston looks quite good. Seems to be properly marshalled with different routes marked out. From what I have read a lot of P&P sites appear to be just turn up and everyone for themselves with little, or no, rules and regulations.

Is it worth going over there and having a play? Or would you steer clear of any P&P site?
How are we all? Enjoying the sunshine I trust. Well, had a crawl round the Rangie yesterday, some work required - found some more welding, compression test indicates a possible problem on one bank of the engine so it looks like I'll be getting busy with the spanners.

The plan is to strip top end, replace head gaskets, clean plenum, grind valves (I hate that job!), fit centre box replacement pipe, weld soft spots on cills and whiole I'm at it I might have a go at the weeping core plugs and replace the swivel seals. Should keep me out of trouble for a couple of hours!! Unfortunately it also means I won't be out to play but hopefully not for too long.
Been at jai's all day. Done my front Hub seal & bearings. Fitted new front prop.
Found that the front swivels are past their sell by date, so order going into Paddocks for more bits.
I'm sure I've got the newest Series III in the World.:rolleyes:
Just been looking in the Off Roading forum and the P&P site at Aldermaston looks quite good. Seems to be properly marshalled with different routes marked out. From what I have read a lot of P&P sites appear to be just turn up and everyone for themselves with little, or no, rules and regulations.

Is it worth going over there and having a play? Or would you steer clear of any P&P site?

I'd steer clear of Devils Pit, you'll destroy your motor.
Whaddon is good fun though.
I'm really pleased I've got a Series. Parts are so cheap, it's not worth ****ing about trying to fix things, just bolt on a new bit, so much easier.
Well I'm too out of action for a few weeks. I have a rear diff pinion seal to do and I cannot undo the nut for the life of me! I have a a transfer box output seal to do. 2 tyres need mounting and sorting. Nobody seems to be able to put a wheel inner tube and tyre together without it going down these days. Seatbox to come out, strip fit sound proofing and refit. The dash needs to be remove, cleaned, made good and refitted. The list goes on....... wheel bearings to check and weather to contend with!

I'd steer clear of Devils Pit, you'll destroy your motor.
Whaddon is good fun though.

When you go to any pay and play go in a good sized group. We/Us on ere' never leave anyone behind as a group and somone is usually on hand to bodge/fix a problem to get you home. Sometimes its impossible to help and a recovery truck is the only way. As Spyderman well knows. Jai
Yea too right I wanna get my mota nice and quiet and running im Perfect order En shaallah! (god willing) I really fancy a France trip Soon too Jai.
Today has been a disaster:
I think one of the Rangie boys blew up a rear diff,
Another put their head through the windscreen,
I think Phil isn't having much luck on his way back from Whaddon,
Spyderman found more probs with his LR,
and I well I still have a list to get done.

P.s Rachels Corsa would't start think the battery just died propperly for no good reason. Jai
Sounds like the invasion of the gremlins!!

I'm not about next weekend so if you want to borrow any tools give me a shout.

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