Don't worry, nobody makes anybody do anything they're not comfy with. Some of our group just can't do some of the stuff that some of us do. We plan trips and routes around what people want and what they're capable of. There's no point in us taking you somewhere, that you'll be stuck all day, unless your name is Ryder that is.

Ooooh that smarts!

See you tomorrow Spydie
I reckon I should be ready to get out and do some laning at the end of the month.

And this time I'll actually have front recovery points and a/t tyres!!! :D
Trying to get to and take part in a AWDC comp next month or the month after much more demanding courses than the local clubs will ever be. Think I'll do ****e as I havent driven trials in ages tho' Jai
'bout time;)

You're not wrong. Now I have got jate rings and a steering guard with recovery points so 4 in total at the front. The Disco is sitting on its arse at the moment so it is going to the garage soon and I will probably get a few other bits that need sorting done whilst it is there.

But I don't want to scratch it....

......oops too late! :D
Dan's Fixed :) fanx DB appreciated as always, i've learned so much!

Full set of wheel bearings all round, both front swivel balls gear box oil drained from transfer box after dippy previous owner put it in there, and re filled obviously, new clutch, checks all round n one fine sounding, fine looking, young again landy :)

found good people for insurance folkes!!!!! my lowest quote was £789 untill i found this company and got it for £289 fully comp...... well impressed, dunno if i can advertise companies on here so if u want dets PM me. discounts for forum/club members :)

Hope ya'll ok, and............. if im not working i promise to be out on the next day trip :)

Dan post the company name No doubt some sad person with nothing better to do with their life may well shout spam but I doubt it as its a company that could potentially help us all and save us some dosh.

Glad to hear you got your mota sorted hope you and Db will be out soon. Jai
try Zeus website they do em some people say that they are bad my experience is that if fitted correctly they are superb my bro fitted a few kits years ago to a defender 90 that has been driven all over the world i think cyprus a couple of times i may be wrong by it owner its now been sold to another friend and its still going strong a 300 discovery thats a personal friend his disco is also going well when they came out the tdi had the misalignment probs with the cambelt once that is resolved then they are sorted engines 99% are done as they have probably all self destructed by now Jai
try Zeus website they do em some people say that they are bad my experience is that if fitted correctly they are superb

you are wrong to imply that if they are fitted correctly that they do the job that the are intended to do

some of the most respected names in the LR industry (Turners & Ashcrofts) have carried out, and commissioned independent expert reports on the design, quality and construction of that conversion and have found them to be not of merchantable quality
we've been here before ok the few that I have seen fitted and have been working for 10 plus years have been grand everyone else hates them Jai
i havnt looked to see if something else caused it to break but the last change in the book was at 76,000 (nearly 8 years ago) and now on 146,000 so was overdue a change and it was on my to do list just a shame it went before i had a chance.

I have no boubt me n DB will be out soon, we were having a beer over lunch whilst we were working on the landy n both said how we couldnt wait to get back out with everyone when the lanes open again,

nice weather out so i think its work on truck time :)


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