most amusing thing has to be all the spot lights on peoples A-bars half full with water. Did you get a pic of it spyderman?
About the same a Jai then. So I've found something the Range Rover does better than your series - keeping the water out:laugh:

I must say how impressed I was with Kev and his motor. Made it look so easy even in that grizly V8 :D.
Awesome day out and must repeat it again very soon.

That pub was cracking aswell :beer2:
Well nearly, Dan said he had a moment of shall we say, directional difficulty/inconsistency. Nonetheless, the Rav made it which is impressive. It couldn't do Standon though, that would certainly have killed it.
Fair play to yer.Plenty of wd then?Done violets lane twice now-wont do it again in this motor.Looks like a great day out:car:
Violets was tame today compared to last summer when we had a bit of rain. Seems much smoother going through.
Fair play to the little ###4 aswell (sorry just cant bring myself to say it out loud on a Landy site).
Good day today, here's a few piccies from my group.







Looked much worse when we went upstream! :eek:
Good day had by all cheers for map reading Ryder and Glenn. When I said to Ryder that the water will be so deep in the mota he didn't believe me I bet he does now his feet were under water LOL! Cant wait for the Vid from Pintsize, Must say dan did a good job with the slitty too, Jai
kevs V8 was keeping up with the dervs in the water no problem:eek: , what a sound from that rangie, (sounds like a ferry when underwater):biggrin1:
Looks like you all had a good day out just a shame i had to miss it but with a bit of luck i shall be there for the next lot ;)

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