sounds like you chaps are going to have fun. my classic is still dead. have just bought a low mileage gearbox and am looking for someone to fit it for me, any suggestions???

also what do i do to stop it sucking in water again if i go wading, it was fine before the water then died the next day? should i be doing something to the breathers or are there bungs that need fitting help....dont want to kill the new box in the same way
extended breathers and a wading plug-apprently the same size as a radiator plug.

Now therein begs the following question........

As (Car) Radiator Plugs are the same as (Household) radiator plugs, does that mean that you can fit thems plugs with little drain valves - or even the auto drain valves? Would save removing and refitting.:D

wotcha reckon?
Well I'm almost ready Lol Cheers pyderman for the loan of the lamp, I'm on Xcl's in the end, I gotta collect some bits in the morn from the garages at my dadsa and then seal up one last hub and were all go Jai
DB I have a project I think you may want to get involved in will let you know What I want to build after I have collected 4x Series Gearboxes. Jai
OK four hours printing and indexing OS maps for hertfordshire! But I should have the ones we need with us now!

4 gearboxes???
Rangey... you wimping out now? Since you got that Paj I don't think anyone has seen you out and about have they? It's nothing to be scared of you know... it just has to be treated a little differently. Bit like the difference in the way you would treat your wife to the way you would treat your girlfriend!

A little more respect, and don't push her quite as hard!

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