Looking forward to 24th here too. May have a lada riva coming with us... don't think it will run ht efords though!
Hey Ryder,

Hope the Shogun isnt being too much of a pain to fix, Will grab some more boxes tomorrow from work should have a load next week aswell Jai
Just Watching The Armed forces in Afghanistan, Bloody woman is a nightmare! I bet the head of her unit is gatting a bollocking for letting her come across so dippy and scared of her weapon. Silly woman! Jai
Bloody brilliant.... just got told we have to find another house to live in. This one is going on the market. Race against time to get all the vehicles sorted out then!

If you need some temp storage space you are welcome to use my garage.
its not that hard to do the bearings well wasnt on my paj chris, just a case of taking it all apart, i checked mine when changing the front disc's
Bloody brilliant.... just got told we have to find another house to live in. This one is going on the market. Race against time to get all the vehicles sorted out then!

I wouldnt rush too much..... Next to nothing is selling at the moment, unless the price is dropped to stupido price. Or do they want you out before they put it up for sale?
I wouldnt rush too much..... Next to nothing is selling at the moment, unless the price is dropped to stupido price. Or do they want you out before they put it up for sale?

Yes, they want to sell it as a vacant posession. This is because it can take a while to get a tennant to move out and that can often prove to be a deal breaker.

Buggered then!
Got the last of my shogun bits delivered today though. Gonna make a start on the work tomorrow weather permitting!
Hi all hope everyone is well.

Ryder, sorry to hear about your predicament. Let me know if you need any storage space.

I have got the Disco booked in for a service at the start of next month and have put some money aside for a cb and diff guards so hoping to be back out laning soon :)
Hi Chris, that's bad news about the house mate, same again if you need any storage space i have loads as i've just gone into buisness with a friend and we have a 1000 square foot workshop, wouldn't be able to do it for free, but easily be able to do a special rate for a friend.

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