are the surrey lanes as good as they look ouch on the bumper never seen a rut take out a bumper!! good videos as well jealous
are the surrey lanes as good as they look ouch on the bumper never seen a rut take out a bumper!! good videos as well jealous
Better than they look on the video

We're going back to do the tough stuff that we didn't get to this time.:jaw:
move going well thought i better check the water system out it looks complicated but the ball thingy stops the water andit looks ok i fixed the broken over flow pipe before things went tits up plastic rise and air fix glue is great! The only bad thing so far is the loft hatch decided to eject on my head but things look good and there is a bottle of wine with my name on it! Lots to in through tomorrow though gotta find the landy a place to reside and be worked on Jai
Hi everyone, got my tyre sorted out today. Just popped it off the rim and gave it a clean out and pumped it back up. No leaks now.
Good news Kris. Can't believe 3 punctures in 1 lane. You lot want to get some decent tyres.:cool:

Sometime in December, maybe even between Christmas and New Year would be good for me for a return visit. I really enjoyed the Lanes, very different to up here. As we're going for the hard stuff next time, might be an idea to go for the hardest first, as we don't want to be stuck in the hardest one last thing in the day.
It would be interesting to find out what is lurking in that mud to puncture three tyres! Kris's tyre looked proper bad. So glad it was only the transmission that locked up on the Rav!
Thanks guys for coming down to Surrey. Hope the big trees didn't scare you too much :rofl: :rofl:
I recon it was just tree roots. It was pretty rock and roll. Glenn was damage to the valve stem, Kris the tyre was knocked off the bead, not sure about Leonberger. Don't think it was anything malicious.
Hi Brett, well up for sorting out a return run when your ready. Will have to put a plan together, got a few things on during December and north Wales at the end of January, but maybe we can work out dates and stuff at the next pub meet.
Is anybody about for a bit of easy laning on Saturday? I get my new tyres on Thursday and fancy a bit of gentle laning :)
what time you going i need to get out the house while i get a b/day cake made for me so could be up for some lanes let me know where abouts your going if not to far for few hrs i will come
Don't want a long day as I'm off skiing on Sunday, aim to start at about 9.00am, finish when we get fed up, no further East than A10 though.
Will sort meet point once I know who's coming and I've had a mosey at the maps.

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