FFS ratty too slow again. I'm sure the only time you get there first is when there's chippies at the end :D :D :D
FFS ratty too slow again. I'm sure the only time you get there first is when there's chippies at the end :D :D :D

I've only just logged in. I din't realise she'd posted in more than one forum.:eek:

Anyway. about these chippies.....;) :p :p :p
Do ya like chippies then??? I'd never have guessed. Yu just don't seem like a chippies type person to me..:D :D
I've spoken to Jai & Ryder, who have spoken to the guys stuck in Violets Lane. They've driven it on their own and gone into the deep and muddy bit off to the side of the lane. Jai/Ryder is well on his way to them to rescue. I'll go out too if they can't manage to get him out.
I've spoken to Jai & Ryder, who have spoken to the guys stuck in Violets Lane. They've driven it on their own and gone into the deep and muddy bit off to the side of the lane. Jai/Ryder is well on his way to them to rescue. I'll go out too if they can't manage to get him out.

cheers for the update.:)
I've spoken to Jai & Ryder, who have spoken to the guys stuck in Violets Lane. They've driven it on their own and gone into the deep and muddy bit off to the side of the lane. Jai/Ryder is well on his way to them to rescue. I'll go out too if they can't manage to get him out.

They are still stuck. Apparently the rescue team r 5 mins away
Rose here...got a call...they are out but it sounds like they have knackered their engine. But rescued they did get!
Just got in. Ryders just set off home with a leaky (****in out) Rad still on standby-ish, Cheers for navigating and getting in the wet stuff to do the ropes P.s I did tell you the first time I met you would be doing it for somone else soon. Cheers Ryder.

Stuck drivers were all ok just needed a few tugs on a rope as they managed to get themselves quite stuck in the gloopy stuff! Road tyres and trying stuff thats way beyond the limits of the vehicle and driver. Advised to goto a local pay and play have some fun and join in with our local group. Engine did't sound too healthy neither and it was diesel! hope its alright.

Night People! I'm going to bed! Jai.
OK we're back now. They got out fine but Jai thinks that their engine sounds a bit suspect... knackered was his exact word! They have photos and have promised to post!
That just goes to show you the power of friendship and the brotherhood of the landy!

Here here!!!

can't imagine a 'pug' or 'golf' owner goin owt of there way in't middle of night to help a fellow owner F.O.C!!
more likely to go and smash their head in cos they got the same 'lexus light clusters!!'

well done fellas:angel:

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