It all sounds very exciting although I'm glad I was tucked up in a sleep deprived overworked kind of coma which is to say I would have risen to the call for help but wouldn't have heard the phone!!

The question is though, WTF were they doing there if they didn't know what they were playing with? Water in the day is tricky but at night if you don't know it can be lethal.

Anyway, I suppose alls well that ends well, glad everyone in one piece.

It is the case that when one starts driving one's first land rover one ends up thinking it's invincible.... until they learn otherwise. Guess what... it wasn't:eek:
One amusing little extra though... they called the fire brigade to get them free.. they offered to rescue the occupants but not the vehicle!
One amusing little extra though... they called the fire brigade to get them free.. they offered to rescue the occupants but not the vehicle!

Fire brigades remit is to save life. not putting out fires etc as many people seem to think, If they turn up at a fire and there is no danger to life technically they are under no obligation to put the fire out. like wise they would have rescued, the occupants but not the vehicle because it's not their job to recover stuck vehicles
Hi guys,

Saturday might be a bit tricky for me. Had a wee problem this evening in as much as the front off side sidelight/indicator unit kinda bailed on me. There is a bit of a hole where them lights should be so technically the Rangey aint road legal.

I phoned Jai to see if the Rangey boys can help me out but if anybody else got an off side sidelight/indicator unit for a 91 Rangey please let me know.
Hi everyone, well done with the rescue work last nidgt, better than ThunderBirds. I will PM the meeting place for Saturday when i get home later, havn't got the post code with me at the moment,but it will be near Dorking.

Hope somebody can get me out of the crap, in which case I'll see ya Saturday. If not it will have to be another time. To say I'm a little peeved is an understatement, but hey, that's life!!
It is the case that when one starts driving one's first land rover one ends up thinking it's invincible.... until they learn otherwise. Guess what... it wasn't:eek:

Yeah I suppose it happens, but why go out alone in what I guess was unfamiliar territory to them. I know we go places we don't know but at least there is at least two or three of us just in case and all that. Never mind, I suppose the thing is that it could have been worse and hopefully they learned something.
Yeah I suppose it happens, but why go out alone in what I guess was unfamiliar territory to them. I know we go places we don't know but at least there is at least two or three of us just in case and all that. Never mind, I suppose the thing is that it could have been worse and hopefully they learned something.

Youve only got to look at my avatar and remember that evening back in the summer to confirm the above :D
That might be an option DB. I did hear throught he grapevine they were winding down a bit but ya never know. Trouble is I'm gonna struggle to get over there tomorrow. Will give it a try. Cheers.
Hi Kev, what's happened?

Well, I was kinda on me way home and making good progress when there was an almighty clatter. WTF woz tha??? Anyways was nearly home so slowed down a bit, checked things like brakes, steering an stuff and just thought it a bit odd.

Got home, thought best have a quick check to see if I could see the problem. Sure enough got to the front and there is a big hole where the indicator/sidelight unit shold be. The whole thing just gone:eek: No idea what caused it but either way I can't very well drive it 'till I get a replacement. Damned annoying:mad: Ah well could have been worse, it happens:eek:
That might be an option DB. I did hear throught he grapevine they were winding down a bit but ya never know. Trouble is I'm gonna struggle to get over there tomorrow. Will give it a try. Cheers.

Why not give Ryder a buzz and see if he can drop over there and get 1 for ya during the day mate?
If I was'nt on nights I would go myself but needs me beauty sleep:eek:
Now that could be a plan DB. BTW know what ya mean about sleep, was tucked up just gone 9:00 last night, 'kin cream crackered I woz.

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