Got the SJ back together tonight, putting it in for the MOT in the morning, should go through OK, looking forward to taking it out on some lanes again.
i would like to have a go in a unimog look like fun
They are fun. They'll go anywhere.:D
Just did the lane at Lilley, to take the Missus & Dog for a walk. Met 4 landys from Herts, Beds & Bucks Land Rover club. I flagged them down as I was walking, I'm sure they thought, not another Rambler going to have a go at us. Seemed a nice bunch, once they realised mine was parked at the top of the hill. They were all very shiny though, compared to mine at the moment anyway.:cool:
Hi guys.
I'm at Waddon tomorrow, and have just fitted my old 80s cb, but.... the mic is b##gered.. Does anyone who is at Whaddon tomorrow have one that I can buy from them? It's the four pin type with no extra buttons or owt on it.
It'll probably get towed away and crushed on Monday.;)
Spoke to the woman that put the notice on my car the other day and she said the reason the notice had been place on the car was because it was on stands and she felt that it was unsafe with kids being around on the estate. I said if the kids were going to be crawling under my car could they fix it at the same time and save me the trouble. I also couldn't see how it was unsafe as the stands are heavy duty comercial stands that are load tested yearly and approved by Health And Safty for workshop use, this left her stumped for a moment. Then she came out with the vehicle should not be parked there as it was not in a parking bay, in the process of finding out if the road is a private road or a public highway and not anything to do with the housing trust. Might find out where she lives and park all my cars outside her house and she if she likes that better.
Nothing like and Fleebay adventure ..

Picking somthing up from Fleebay is great fun , it took me towards the Stones to where i met up with DB on another Fleebay adventure . and of course we had to go get Down and Dirty yes you know where :D . LOL ..Would have been rude Not too ..

Spent the day all over the area was great fun , and it was great to see you Gibbo and your gand nothing like bumping into friends when you least expect it . hope you and your gang had a blast im sure you all did .. you was looking a little mucky lol as was we .. And a big hello to a new Landyzone Fella whom we bumped into was great meeting you ...

Gonna try and get my self to Waddon this Sunday .. LOL


A big hello and thank you leonberger and DB.Was great to follow you all.And of course the entertaining of the kids with the CB was a bonus :) .

Brakes are feeling spongey already...better get some decent wheel bearings !
A big hello and thank you leonberger and DB.Was great to follow you all.And of course the entertaining of the kids with the CB was a bonus :) .

Brakes are feeling spongey already...better get some decent wheel grebearings !

Well! Looks like you all had a good day! It is great to see some of the crew back on the lanes again. Took the disco out to steppingly just to see whether everything was working ok. Guess I didn't break anything during my amateurish attempts at repairs!

Won't be at whaddontomorrow but am saving to be there in a couple of weeks time.

Have a great day and for christ's sake get some photies!
Sounds like theres been lots going on this weekend while I was in Wales. Hope you've all had a good one and nothing got broken.

Looking forward to getting out on the lanes soon. Any thoughts about doing something next weekend?
Sounds like theres been lots going on this weekend while I was in Wales. Hope you've all had a good one and nothing got broken.

Looking forward to getting out on the lanes soon. Any thoughts about doing something next weekend?

PM boomer v8 or dorsetvoguese. lots of us out laning in dorset next saturday.:D look on the s.l.u.t.s forum
Sounds like theres been lots going on this weekend while I was in Wales. Hope you've all had a good one and nothing got broken.

Looking forward to getting out on the lanes soon. Any thoughts about doing something next weekend?

Ashwell.:D Jai, Glenn & Me, so far.
Sounds like theres been lots going on this weekend while I was in Wales. Hope you've all had a good one and nothing got broken.

Looking forward to getting out on the lanes soon. Any thoughts about doing something next weekend?
Hi Kev, i'm meeting up with ROBIN T and RATTY next weekend for the chip run, but after that should be up for doing something. The really good lane down this way should be open again on the 29th.

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