ok..Phoned padocks today, hadn't even dispatched my order! they've promised it for tomorrow though so with a little luck and a whole lot of swearing we could be mobile by the weekend!

Really missing the lanes, and looking at the new website for whaddon (really good design!) makes me look forward to going back there even more!

Spent more time out of the driving seat since I bought the landy than since we got the shogun, but reading the posts here I guess thats all part of the LR experience!
What are you waiting for Ryder a starter motor?

I'll swing by Friday after work if thats ok ryder pick up me tools and stuff in the landy after its mot then Ill be fixing what ever it fails on LOL. Feels horrible when everyone is out playing and your still fixing up your mota! but hey hopefully i can do it now and have a years peace Jai
Hey jai, thats fine... should be back from getting the kids by then, even if not the usual arrangements apply.

Waiting for pads, reetaining kit, split pins, and bushes for the replacement shocks. DB is going to helpme to re-crimp the missing link on the starter motor.

Actually got the starter motor repaired once I understood how the damn thing works. I hate being ignorant of all things mechanical but I will learn slowly and I am sure that Kai will learn with me. Just needed cleaning and greasing which seems sensible since it failed after our trip to salisbury.

It seems LR have a master class, a sort of pre-apprenticeship scheme that applies to 14-15 year olds, counts for 5 GCSEs. Kai has his eye on attending one and maybe getting to grips with the land rovers that way when he gets to the right age. Of course he may change his mind by then but it is good that he has an ambition.
Cool Kai should go for it if thats what he wants to do. There is plenty of bits you can do yourself at vert low cost that improve comfort/offroad ability/handling/longevity little things that can usually get overlooked just shout. We could do the same to both our motors keep them on the road so we can take them off the road. I'm predicting that I will be having lots more time and not so much money in the next year or so, so I'll be doing these little bits alot more than I have been. Your always welcome to come over do landys etc mabe break out the RC's and have a blat/crawl lol

I can't believe how much stuff you have to do to proove yourself worthy of a mortgage, I thought landys were stressful! Jai
you 2 going to come out to play then, or are you scared of getting stuck?

Scared ... when wehave a super spydie to callon ....? naaaah! gotta sto posting now though... getting drunkand we all know what hppened last time i had too much too drink!
Hi everyone. Well ****ed off, got home from work today and this bimbo from the housing associations had put a 7 day tow away sticker on my SJ. I had it parked in the corner of the estate next to my house with the back axle up on stands to rebuild the rear brakes. it's still taxed until end of Feb and as all the roads on the estate are public highways i don't see that the housing trust had any right to put a sticker on it in the first place. If anyone had a right to place a sticker on it, it would be the council and they wouldn't do that unless it wasn't taxed. Will be having a nice chat with the woman from the housing association tomorrow.
Hi everyone. Well ****ed off, got home from work today and this bimbo from the housing associations had put a 7 day tow away sticker on my SJ. I had it parked in the corner of the estate next to my house with the back axle up on stands to rebuild the rear brakes. it's still taxed until end of Feb and as all the roads on the estate are public highways i don't see that the housing trust had any right to put a sticker on it in the first place. If anyone had a right to place a sticker on it, it would be the council and they wouldn't do that unless it wasn't taxed. Will be having a nice chat with the woman from the housing association tomorrow.

Bloody 'ell Kris, sounds like Gestapo tactics to me! Either that or she's been looking for a nice little SJ to do up for herself ;)
Hey falla's, hope your all well iv been so busy at work haven't had the time to get on here.

Well the landy flew through the MOT yesterday not even any advisories he said it all looked new under there :D .

So how you all been from what iv read most of you are off the road in bits.
Well the bits have arrived from padocks... and i am hoping that I'll be mobile again by tomorrow night! Fingers crossed :)
Hey Glenn... good news about the MOT, mine's due next month so I'm keeping hopeful that we get through as easily as you just have! You going to whaddon sunday?
Glenn, Did you put narrower tyres or bigger wheel arches on?
or did the bloke turn a blind eye?
Are you up for a trundle at the weekend?
My MOT next month too. The only thing I can't get to work as well as I want is the Handbrake. I've renewed pretty much all of it and both DB and I, can't get it to work really well. I think I'm going to fit a X-Engineering Disc Handbrake. What's another £160.
Ryder: I do hope all goes well on the MOT for you they are a PIG at the best of times.

Spyderman: Small tyres where needed, getting a fixed MOT these days is near impossible. And as for the weekend i think im up in Yorkshire if not i will be up for it. As for the Disk handbreak im thinking about getting one of those meself.
Glenn, just let me know if you're about. Don't know why, but the Defender handbrake costs a lot more than the Series one
Talking about handbrakes... why is it landy handbrakes seem to be so dodgy? I realise they grip the prop instead of the wheels, does this make them less effective?

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