cheers ryder , your motor in dock aint it , i'll take some piccys , just to rub it in , he he - i certainly wont be wearin' me wellies , kids bought me a pair for fathers day i didnt wear them till 2 sundays ago , been in back of 90 , put them on got bit by a fooking spider , right on mr little toe

You will need your wellies!!!

Although I seem to have a habbit of falling into puddles an inch deeper that my wellies it happens usually at Whaddon. Whaddon is alot of fun no doubt about that! Try not to be tempted to do everything, there is alot to do in a day. You will get stuck if you try hard enough no matter how big or powerfull your vehicle is. Only do the bits that you feel comfortable with and be selective who you tow/rescue there are many idiots without decent or any tow points up there. Some use strops/wire rope instead of a rope for towing and snatching. The last three times I have been there i have seen 2 rolled disco's, a wreck crashing into a new pick-up (no insurance cover up there) and a submerged vitara only his spots on the roof were visable and actually working. Jai
Are you up for Whaddon on Sunday Jai?

lamriska, the last 2 visits to Whaddon for me, has seen me coming home on the back of an RAC truck. It's great fun though. If I'm going I'll let you know, you really need to be shown around and where not to go.
I am skint, the house has taken it all plus I have my MOT Friday I know it will fail as I have probaly over looked something stupid ao It doesn't look good I'm afraid. :-( !!!
If it passes I will try and get my sis kids out driving, If it passes, and If i can get them out driving, money permitting.

I really wanna make it up that cliff face again, the last time I did it on road tyres (Mr V's tyres now) but I wasn't hanging around and it was my only way out avoiding the deep wet stuff without my snorkel fitted so I made sure I wasn't gonna get hung up on anyting if you know what I mean. Jai
i know , i've been reading all the posts , i bet your itching to get out int yer , i'll gladly let you show me round , i'll be going up with 3 other 90's and some SJ's but i've never met the SJ lot , bunch of looneys by the sounds of it, we're leaving bout 8.30
gutted i cant come up in the rangie on sunday, weve got a party at our so i guess i need to be there, will def be up for the next one though, feel free to pm me with any mid week lanes too
Hi guys keen to go to wadden or laning this weekend is anyone going and dont mind me tagging along
Phil, can't do tonight, but I really fancy Whaddon on Sunday. Let's see if we can drive back as well as there. LOL.
I was just starting to enjoy myself last time. Let's hope it's not ****ing down again.
Shame you can't do Saturday.
Touchdown! just got back from a couple of days up in the North West.

Would love to get out and about but this week is out. I'm away all weekend as well - had a better offer, sorry guys but you know how it is. Will catch up with you all soon.

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