Ryder I learnt my lesson, you can't spread your resources too thinly, that's why I sold my Series 1 at an almost 500% profit I might add! but it funded the wheels, tyres and winch on the Series 3. You can't have your money tied up in motors that you have no possibility of ever getting back in serviceable condition again. It's just dead money, break them, scrap what's left and put the money into one decent motor, do it properly, buy decent bits, keep it maintained and reliable. Don't take anything to bits if you don't have the parts to replace them with, a motor in bits tends to stay that way.
Spydie ... you are prob right. Jai... what can I say... my job is not to have fun myself... but to make sure that he has every opportunity I can give him. They may not be many... and yoiu may be right that he should have nothing if he does not earn it himself... but without someone giving him the opportunity to learn and benefit from his decisions then what is the point?

If I never wanted to teach a kid anything.... why would we have bothered having children?
Ryder it's not probably right, I know I'm right, mine I break it gets fixed to be broken another day whereby it gets fixed again.
Your way by comparison is several broken Landys all over the place none of which will ever be on the road again, to keep buying barely serviceable motors is a very expensive way of owning a Land Rover, where it lasts if you're lucky for a few months breaks and you end up with it sitting rotting somewhere until you've got enough money to do it all over again.
Ah Ryder I didn't mean give him nothing but choices that effect the family should remain family choices in my mind!! One thing for sure is Kai is a very keen youngun!! and from FB so seems young Luke!! I think we have allocated a chef for our Greenlane trips!! Now where can we pick up a field kitchen Sankey trailer so he has the tools he needs??

P.s how old is Luke?? I have the clubs JTV tractor at my place for some work

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P.s there are a few if us at the nationals this year killajoules maybe stutab djdommy Andy myself should be fun Kai could easily do tyro no damage or chance of in your disco.

P.s we are at Roundhill woods next Sunday aswell it's the club not pay and play jobbie killajoules is setting out the RTV I think for Chiltern vale and we are doing our usual Anglian tyro ccv ( I think ed is laying out ccv)
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Ryder I learnt my lesson, you can't spread your resources too thinly, that's why I sold my Series 1 at an almost 500% profit I might add! but it funded the wheels, tyres and winch on the Series 3. You can't have your money tied up in motors that you have no possibility of ever getting back in serviceable condition again. It's just dead money, break them, scrap what's left and put the money into one decent motor, do it properly, buy decent bits, keep it maintained and reliable. Don't take anything to bits if you don't have the parts to replace them with, a motor in bits tends to stay that way.

I'd second that
Been there myself
I'd start one project it would get to a stage where I would need to spend some money on it (that I didn't have) and then start a new project
In the end I'd just have 4 or 5 things on the go and none would get finished
Then I got made redundant and had to sell all but one of them
But then I found it easier to just concentrate on one thing at a time and sure enough I'd finish one car or motorbike then start and finish that next as and when I had the money
It does work
Definitely sounds like a decent Idea jai.

Spydie.... I think perhaps you are thinking a little too harshly. I don't have several motors spread around in the way you describe... I had a disco and the series... but when we ran out of money... we realised that we had to prioritise and wait for our situation to improve... it took a while but we made the opportunities we needed and are now able to have one disco for mainly daily drive... and we have the option of one for dismantling or taking to whaddon if we wish to.

Of course, in an ideal world... I would wait for something to break and then replace it with something better... however, with finances committed elsewhere that's not really an option... this is the most practical way for us to move forward, (literally).

In the meantime.... Kai is getting to grips with all the other interests along with his commitments to the vehicles... and Luke... (now 11, Jai) Is having great fun cooking and doing his stuff.... I love the idea of a little outside cooking btw!
Cooking what has been caught wild. I imagine it would turn his stomach at first.... but if he wants to cook then I see no reason why he shouldn't have a good idea where it originates.

Gonna hope to get there next Sunday.... gigging on the night before though... and that might be a late one... so might only just be getting home as everyone else is getting ready to leave in the morning. Will have to see how it goes, I guess.

Called over to your place this afternoon... just to see what's what.... identifying a few issues and bits with the motor.... nothing terrible... and it is starting to look as though some parts off the old one may be reallocated - including the transfer box which has problems that I simply can't get my head around.... I'll tell you about those later.
P.s there are a few if us at the nationals this year killajoules maybe stutab djdommy Andy myself should be fun Kai could easily do tyro no damage or chance of in your disco.

P.s we are at Roundhill woods next Sunday aswell it's the club not pay and play jobbie killajoules is setting out the RTV I think for Chiltern vale and we are doing our usual Anglian tyro ccv ( I think ed is laying out ccv)

I'll be at Roundhill next week as I recently joined Chiltern Vale. Also looking to go to the nationals as well.
We defo need a meet up in the beer tent. By all accounts the food at the nats is going to be pretty good and a good selection of beers Although the usual expensive prices are sure to be in place that are at any venue.
I will be at the setup the week before but not the nationals as things stand. I will hopefully driving Killajoules 80" in the RTV next Sunday as he is doing setup and can't drive. I will hopefully be at the pub on Wednesday, need another stamp on my burger card.
It's Anglian and Chiltern vale land rover clubs aroc and CSMA members (this time)

It's trials driving and CSMA members may tyro trial or drive round. Chiltern vale and Anglian are competing in trials it's not n open event. By all means come up but unless you are a member and your motors comply with regs you will not be allowed to play. Maybe some give for tyro trial however you will need to he a member for insurance etc

Come up and see what a decent ccv motor can do it may surprise how relatively std setup well thought out built motors can do
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