
Now thats my kind of narrow boat.
You and half the planet want land to shoot on.

Have you got FAC??

I know one guy he will allow you permission with an airgun but wants FAC cert to prove gun safe before he will give you a try out.

Working on an FAC myself,

What gun is it??
You reckon, he has a long waiting list but wants someone with 4x4 access so he hasn't got to open up and someone not going tearing up the land. FAC just proves to him your not a youngun plinking I think he used to say as most farmers do now 30yo plus aswell but hey ho. Just got a bipod for mine today mounted up not in the right place yet but will get sorted ASAP J
Had a read up and a FAC is Fire Arms Certificate and is only needed when you have a gun over 12lbs. I have land to shoot on already but rabbits are getting wise, so need to rest it for a while. Also pics of gun please ;-)
Your missing my point he the farmer wants a FAC to prove to him your competent. you don't need one to shoot he wants one to be sure there are no accidents on his land.
It shoots very accurately the scope is way over the top but its for a .22 rummy as and when I get my FAC. Had a nice lit up cross hairs tho need to put an arrester to stop te scoo travelling. Being break barrel it's a pain but very consistent. Somewhere the is a video of me cutting dandelions in half free standing about 20 meters

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