Drove back from Teignmouth this afternoon. Drivers of Wiltshire are mostly cocks blocking the outside lane cutting people up. A young lad in a red car held the outside lane at 55mph for 10 miles. We did see s disco being "worked on" on the A303. Well while passing in traffic not a million miles from stone henge. Rach did make a comment that I couldn't really argue with and left the so called by Rach cluless numpties to it.

When Rach who isn't into fixing cars or anything mechanical feels she is able to take the absolute **** all I could do was laugh. Hope they got sorted but was crying as the lorell and hardy theme tune was being whistled. So today Lads I failed in my duty to help a fellow landy owner but to the best of my defence it was a disco (not a real land rover) and I was crying with laughter while Rach was **** taking.
Good day out
A lot of the lanes have been resurfaced so not as muddy as I thought it would be
My road tyres done well but they did get me stuck the one time but spyderman was ready with a tow rope

I'm sure there will be some pics soon
A good day out, lovely weather. I would have expected the ground to be a bit wetter, just shows how baked the ground is. An eventful evening after we left, ended up in Rushden pulling a newbie out of a ditch on illegal land, then picking up Leebastard's tyres from Kettering. Tired, but a fun day.
A good day out, lovely weather. I would have expected the ground to be a bit wetter, just shows how baked the ground is. An eventful evening after we left, ended up in Rushden pulling a newbie out of a ditch on illegal land, then picking up Leebastard's tyres from Kettering. Tired, but a fun day.

Just read the other thread
Looks like you had yourself a busy day
Morning lads, im in Barnet north London. Really want to give some lanning a go. any of you lot near the london side of Hertfordshire?

Cheers ben
Morning lads, im in Barnet north London. Really want to give some lanning a go. any of you lot near the london side of Hertfordshire?

Cheers ben
Razz is in Harrow, Leebastard gas a mate that comes from Palmers Green I think. All of the lanes are outside the M25 anyway, so you'll be heading north to go laning anyway.
Razz is in Harrow, Leebastard gas a mate that comes from Palmers Green I think. All of the lanes are outside the M25 anyway, so you'll be heading north to go laning anyway.

All out side m25, think my landy may just make it haha! another thing is, will it cope with the lanes? i have a disco with no lift but HD suspension and MT tyres. My only worry is ground clearance as i have LPG under it
All out side m25, think my landy may just make it haha! another thing is, will it cope with the lanes? i have a disco with no lift but HD suspension and MT tyres. My only worry is ground clearance as i have LPG under it
It's a Land Rover of course it will cope. Diffs are the things that hook up first, as long as your lpg tank isn't lower than the diffs I can't see an issue. Plenty of the Herts guys come out laning on road tyres, there's always someone to give them a tug if necessary.
It's a Land Rover of course it will cope. Diffs are the things that hook up first, as long as your lpg tank isn't lower than the diffs I can't see an issue. Plenty of the Herts guys come out laning on road tyres, there's always someone to give them a tug if necessary.

Yeah there no lower than diffs just run along the cills. Will keep an eye on this thread, anything nearer my way i would like to make a appearance :)
Yeah there no lower than diffs just run along the cills. Will keep an eye on this thread, anything nearer my way i would like to make a appearance :)

Plenty of trips starting from Baldock services on A1, normally heading east from there, so not too far for you.
Ah yeah i know baldock services. Yeah will keep an eye on this thread then. Cheers :)

To be honest, you're not going to get anything decent within 15 miles of you. However, if you're prepared to join with the guys from Beds, who also cover manes in Herts, or even a quick trip round the M25 to Essex then there's lots of fun to be had.

I don't even have MT tyres on mine, and have coped with everything so far.
To be honest, you're not going to get anything decent within 15 miles of you. However, if you're prepared to join with the guys from Beds, who also cover manes in Herts, or even a quick trip round the M25 to Essex then there's lots of fun to be had.

I don't even have MT tyres on mine, and have coped with everything so far.

Well im defiantly up for it, got few bits i need to do to the disco first then ready! V8 power and MT tyres can get you outta anything i guess lol :cool:

Would you have a steering rod I could buy of you? I have tried changing my track rod ends and cannot get one of them out - it is the side that had the impact so I suspect it has been pushed in/ wrecked the threads.

Sm0129, for the money the HD versions Paddocks do are good value. Failing that I'm sure Spydie will sort you out. If not I may have one here somewhere £5

It was only after I had brought the track rod ends and the clamps that I found out how cheap the HD ones were:mad: If Spyderman hasn't got one then I will definitely have one of you.


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