Again - I HAVE DONE THIS ON ANOTHER P38 WITH LYNX. You read the code from the EMS, then go into the security menu of the BECM module, you can edit and over type the code there. Either something's broken or your BECM is locked. If it's the latter nothing will fix your problem, no nanocom or syncmate - your only options are finding someone with a Faultmate with the necessary module or RickThePick.

The BECM being locked or unlocked has nothing to do with the ability to program the EMS code. If the BECM is locked, which is normal state you CANNOT communicate with it with ignition on. Read the info link i posted reference BECM. With the ignition off connect to BECM and you should get Diagnostic mode on dash message centre. Then you can write to the BECM. You can't do it with ignition on.
Its all packed up and off to RickthePick. Its locked down so my Lynx wont have worked.

You just don't listen do you? What's the f**king point if you won't listen. BECM LOCKED IS NORMAL SETTING FROM FACTORY. If it was in an alarmed state you could not have communicated with it at all. Anyway carry on.
The BECM being locked or unlocked has nothing to do with the ability to program the EMS code. If the BECM is locked, which is normal state you CANNOT communicate with it with ignition on. Read the info link i posted reference BECM. With the ignition off connect to BECM and you should get Diagnostic mode on dash message centre. Then you can write to the BECM. You can't do it with ignition on.

That is exactly what I was doing. "DIAGNOSTIC MODE" was coming up on the dash with the ignition off. I then go into the Becm menu to which i cannot proceed to do any codes. All codes are coming up as "LOCKED" when trying to access.
I understand what you are saying Wammers. But there is no physical box form me to input any codes into. All what i can access is highlighted - and all I get highlighted is "ADVANCED" but as soon as this is pressed.. the good old "LOCKED" is flashing up again.
That is exactly what I was doing. "DIAGNOSTIC MODE" was coming up on the dash with the ignition off. I then go into the Becm menu to which i cannot proceed to do any codes. All codes are coming up as "LOCKED" when trying to access.

There are certain things programmed into the BECM at the factory, VIN number EKA code, Fob codes things like that, the BECM is then locked to prevent them being changed. If for instance you wanted to use that BECM on another car it would need unlocking and the new vehicles details entered. Why did you not wait for your Syncmate to come first and try that? You maybe spending additional money for nothing. The Lynx sounds like a load of ****e as far as the P38 goes to me.
Totally agree I wouldn't recommend the Lynx for the P38. I was going to wait for the Syncmate, but if it didn't work it'd be a few more days and I really need the car at the moment.
It should be able to be programmed with the Lynx, although it's a pile of crap, it can do some things.
The write feature within the becm has shut down, which could be caused by a number of issue's but the Lynx isn't good enough to go into the details.
If T4 was being used, it would state everything is in place, as it nearly always does, but the vehicle still won't start.
In this scenario, I'm not sure the Sync-mate would do the job either, & I do know these tools.
I'll go through it as see what's going on in there & then report back.
It should be able to be programmed with the Lynx, although it's a pile of crap, it can do some things.
The write feature within the becm has shut down, which could be caused by a number of issue's but the Lynx isn't good enough to go into the details.
If T4 was being used, it would state everything is in place, as it nearly always does, but the vehicle still won't start.
In this scenario, I'm not sure the Sync-mate would do the job either, & I do know these tools.
I'll go through it as see what's going on in there & then report back.

You must have rubbed your hands together when Lynx came out. Seems like a good business generator for independent specialists. :D:D:D
You maybe spending additional money for nothing. The Lynx sounds like a load of ****e as far as the P38 goes to me.

It does the job - including this one - it has a clunky interface I'd entirely agree. I suspect there's a fault and nothing this side of a Faultmate with the full programming module would fix it - and then maybe perhaps not if it's a hardware error such as knackered flash.
That is exactly what I was doing. "DIAGNOSTIC MODE" was coming up on the dash with the ignition off. I then go into the Becm menu to which i cannot proceed to do any codes. All codes are coming up as "LOCKED" when trying to access.
You sure you have the ignition key in the correct position for BECM access?
Yeah the Lynx will give you instructions for key position and will not proceed until its happy that the keys is in the right position.
You got it going yet ive got a sync mate and in west Yorkshire

The BeCm and ECM are away with rickthepick at the moment. He found the fault with it, hence the reason my Lynx was playing silly buggers. He said with this fault the Syncmate would not have worked.
Well The ECM and BECM came back today. First I'd like to thank everyone for their input and help! Especially to the people who recommended "rickthepick", The guy is a genius! The P38 sprung into life on the first flick of the key. Just come back from the test drive and she's running beautiful.
I'm not 100% sure what the issue was, but I'm sure Rick can tell us all.
The BeCm and ECM are away with rickthepick at the moment. He found the fault with it, hence the reason my Lynx was playing silly buggers. He said with this fault the Syncmate would not have worked.

Ok stick your Lynx on it now and see if you get to the EMS security code read/write facility in the BECM.
Had the Lynx plugged in, and yes all functions are there. Rick said a 7 had appeared and sent the BECM crazy.

It is not unusual if the battery has suddenly lost a cell or power has suddenly be disrupted for the Security code in the BECM to be scrambled. That is what sends the car out of sync. What is unusual is for the scrambled code to do anything to the BECM. I can't see how it can. Unless you caused it to go to an alarmed state buggering about with it with the Lynx.

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